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Housing developers in the context of construction fever in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Catalonia
Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1080/17546559.2021.1974514
Jordi Morelló Baget 1


This article focuses on the different types of people who became housing developers in medieval Catalonia through the assignment in emphyteusis of land for building (“ad construendum domos”). As examples, the article looks at four places of different sizes and jurisdictions which are well enough documented – in some cases with a series of emphyteutic establishments – to permit a diachronic study. In addition to identifying some of the main developers and the kinds of actions they took in each area, the article reviews the beneficiaries of the subsequently allotted or distributed plots, conditions established in the donations, size of plots or other indications regarding construction, materials used, and layout of future dwellings. Although this study is primarily based on published documentary sources, some contributions from the field of archaeology are also considered. Ultimately, it aims to determine the timeline of this phenomenon, that is, the moments when such building activity might have peaked in the context of the demographic and economic growth of the whole period.




本文重点介绍了在中世纪加泰罗尼亚通过建筑用地永生化分配(“ad construendum domos”)成为住房开发商的不同类型的人。作为例子,本文考察了四个不同规模和管辖范围的地方,这些地方都有充分的记录——在某些情况下有一系列永生机构——允许进行历时研究。除了确定一些主要开发商和他们在每个地区采取的行动类型外,文章还回顾了随后分配或分配的地块的受益人、捐赠中建立的条件、地块大小或其他有关建筑、材料使用的迹象。 ,以及未来住宅的布局。尽管这项研究主要基于已发表的文献资料,还考虑了考古学领域的一些贡献。最终,它旨在确定这种现象的时间线,即在整个时期的人口和经济增长的背景下,此类建筑活动可能达到顶峰的时刻。
