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Assessing the graphic turn in Canadian foreign policy
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal Pub Date : 2021-09-15 , DOI: 10.1080/11926422.2021.1969964
Kim Richard Nossal 1 , Stéphane Roussel 2 , Stéphane Paquin 2


This assessment of the graphic turn in Canadian foreign policy focuses on the visualization of our text, The Politics of Canadian Foreign Policy (PCFP). We note the apparent disjuncture between systemism as an approach to understanding society on the one hand, and the graphic exercise that is at the core of the Visual International Relations Project. Focusing on the latter rather than the former, we assess what the graphic visualization of PCFP demonstrates about our text. We find that the visualization not only accurately portrays the main lines of argument, but also clearly identifies some of the key weaknesses and silences in the text. We also conclude that a key utility of the visualization project lies in its contribution to pedagogy, providing students with ready and accessible guide to works in IR and instructors with a useful tool to assess possible course adoptions.




这种对加拿大外交政策图形转向的评估侧重于我们文本的可视化,加拿大外交政策的政治( PCFP )。我们注意到一方面作为理解社会的方法的系统主义与作为视觉国际关系项目核心的图形练习之间存在明显的脱节。关注后者而不是前者,我们评估了PCFP的图形可视化演示我们的文本。我们发现可视化不仅准确地描绘了论点的主线,而且还清楚地识别了文本中的一些关键弱点和沉默。我们还得出结论,可视化项目的一个关键效用在于它对教学法的贡献,为学生提供了现成且易于访问的 IR 工作指南,并为教师提供了一个有用的工具来评估可能的课程采用情况。
