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Online Labour Index 2020: New ways to measure the world’s remote freelancing market
Big Data & Society ( IF 8.731 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-15 , DOI: 10.1177/20539517211043240
Fabian Stephany 1, 2 , Otto Kässi 3 , Uma Rani 4 , Vili Lehdonvirta 1

The Online Labour Index (OLI) was launched in 2016 to measure the global utilisation of online freelance work at scale. Five years after its creation, the OLI has become a point of reference for scholars and policy experts investigating the online gig economy. As the market for online freelancing work matures, a high volume of data and new analytical tools allow us to revisit half a decade of online freelance monitoring and extend the index's scope to more dimensions of the global online freelancing market. While (still) measuring the utilisation of online labour across countries and occupations by tracking the number of projects and tasks posted on major English-language platforms, the new Online Labour Index 2020 (OLI 2020) also tracks Spanish- and Russian-language platforms, reveals changes over time in the geography of labour supply and estimates female participation in the online gig economy. The rising popularity of software and tech work and the concentration of freelancers on the Indian subcontinent are examples of the insights that the OLI 2020 provides. The OLI 2020 delivers a more detailed picture of the world of online freelancing via an interactive online visualisation updated daily. It provides easy access to downloadable open data for policymakers, labour market researchers, and the general public (www.onlinelabourobservatory.org).


2020 年在线劳动力指数:衡量全球远程自由职业市场的新方法

在线劳动力指数 (OLI) 于 2016 年推出,用于衡量全球范围内在线自由职业者工作的规模。OLI 成立五年后,已成为研究在线零工经济的学者和政策专家的参考点。随着在线自由职业市场的成熟,大量数据和新的分析工具使我们能够重新审视五年的在线自由职业监测,并将该指数的范围扩展到全球在线自由职业市场的更多维度。虽然(仍然)通过跟踪主要英语平台上发布的项目和任务的数量来衡量不同国家和职业的在线劳动力利用率,但新的 2020 年在线劳动力指数 (OLI 2020) 还跟踪了西班牙语和俄语平台,揭示劳动力供应地理随时间的变化,并估计女性参与在线零工经济。软件和技术工作的日益普及以及自由职业者在印度次大陆的集中是 OLI 2020 提供的见解的例子。OLI 2020 通过每天更新的交互式在线可视化提供更详细的在线自由职业世界图景。它为政策制定者、劳动力市场研究人员和公众提供了对可下载的开放数据的轻松访问(www.onlinelabourobservatory.org)。OLI 2020 通过每天更新的交互式在线可视化提供更详细的在线自由职业世界图景。它为政策制定者、劳动力市场研究人员和公众提供了对可下载的开放数据的轻松访问(www.onlinelabourobservatory.org)。OLI 2020 通过每天更新的交互式在线可视化提供更详细的在线自由职业世界图景。它为政策制定者、劳动力市场研究人员和公众提供了对可下载的开放数据的轻松访问(www.onlinelabourobservatory.org)。
