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Morphometric Maps of Bilateral Asymmetry in the Human Humerus: An Implementation in the R Package Morphomap
Symmetry ( IF 2.940 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.3390/sym13091711
Antonio Profico , Carlotta Zeppilli , Ileana Micarelli , Alessandro Mondanaro , Pasquale Raia , Damiano Marchi , Giorgio Manzi , Paul O’Higgins

In biological anthropology, parameters relating to cross-sectional geometry are calculated in paired long bones to evaluate the degree of lateralization of anatomy and, by inference, function. Here, we describe a novel approach, newly added to the morphomap R package, to assess the lateralization of the distribution of cortical bone along the entire diaphysis. The sample comprises paired long bones belonging to 51 individuals (10 females and 41 males) from The New Mexico Decedent Image Database with known biological profile, occupational and loading histories. Both males and females show a pattern of right lateralization. In addition, males are more lateralized than females, whereas there is not a significant association between lateralization with occupation and loading history. Body weight, height and long-bone length are the major factors driving the emergence of asymmetry in the humerus, while interestingly, the degree of lateralization decreases in the oldest individuals.


人类肱骨双侧不对称的形态测量图:R 包 Morphomap 中的实现

在生物人类学中,在成对的长骨中计算与横截面几何相关的参数,以评估解剖结构的偏侧化程度,并通过推理来评估功能。在这里,我们描述了一种新方法,新添加到 morphomap R 包中,以评估沿整个骨干的皮质骨分布的侧向化。该样本包括来自新墨西哥死者图像数据库的 51 个人(10 名女性和 41 名男性)的配对长骨,这些人的生物特征、职业和负荷历史已知。男性和女性都表现出右侧化的模式。此外,男性比女性更偏侧化,而偏侧化与职业和负荷历史之间没有显着关联。体重,