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Negative parenting and functions of relational aggression: The moderating roles of gender and physiological reactivity
Aggressive Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-15 , DOI: 10.1002/ab.21993
Maria C Lent 1 , Dianna Murray-Close 1

Dimensions of negative parenting, including permissive, authoritarian, and psychologically controlling parenting behaviors, are associated with children's engagement in relational aggression. However, some youth may be more strongly influenced by negative parenting than others, and effects may depend on whether aggression is proactive or reactive in function. In a community sample of 236 preadolescent children followed over 1 year, we examined whether children's skin conductance level reactivity (an index of “fight or flight” response) and gender moderated links between parents' self-reported negative parenting behaviors and increases in children's teacher-reported proactive and reactive relational aggression. Findings indicated that negative parenting predicted increases in proactive and reactive relational aggression, and, consistent with differential susceptibility theory, effects often emerged among highly reactive youth. Associations between negative parenting and proactive relational aggression emerged for boys but not girls. Results tentatively suggest that associations between parenting and aggression vary by the function of aggression, children's physiological reactivity to stress, and gender, although results should be interpreted with caution due to high levels of missing data. Implications for theory and intervention are discussed.



消极养育的维度,包括宽容、专制和心理控制的养育行为,与儿童参与关系攻击有关。然而,一些青少年可能比其他青少年更容易受到负面养育的影响,其影响可能取决于攻击行为是主动的还是反应性的。在对 236 名青春期前儿童进行了 1 年以上的社区样本中,我们检查了儿童的皮肤电导水平反应性(“战斗或逃跑”反应的指数)和性别是否调节了父母自我报告的负面养育行为与儿童教师增加之间的联系-报告了主动和被动的关系攻击。研究结果表明,消极的养育方式预示着主动和被动的关系攻击会增加,并且,与差异易感性理论一致,这种影响经常出现在高度反应的青年中。消极养育和积极的关系攻击之间的关联出现在男孩身上,而不是女孩身上。结果初步表明,养育与攻击性之间的关联因攻击性功能、儿童对压力的生理反应和性别而异,但由于大量缺失数据,应谨慎解释结果。讨论了对理论和干预的影响。儿童对压力和性别的生理反应,尽管由于大量缺失数据,应谨慎解释结果。讨论了对理论和干预的影响。儿童对压力和性别的生理反应,尽管由于大量缺失数据,应谨慎解释结果。讨论了对理论和干预的影响。