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Data-Centric and Data-Aware Frameworks for Fundamentally Efficient Data Handling in Modern Computing Systems
arXiv - CS - Hardware Architecture Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: arxiv-2109.05881
Nastaran Hajinazar

There is an explosive growth in the size of the input and/or intermediate data used and generated by modern and emerging applications. Unfortunately, modern computing systems are not capable of handling large amounts of data efficiently. Major concepts and components (e.g., the virtual memory system) and predominant execution models (e.g., the processor-centric execution model) used in almost all computing systems are designed without having modern applications' overwhelming data demand in mind. As a result, accessing, moving, and processing large amounts of data faces important challenges in today's systems, making data a first-class concern and a prime performance and energy bottleneck in such systems. This thesis studies the root cause of inefficiency in modern computing systems when handling modern applications' data demand, and aims to fundamentally address such inefficiencies, with a focus on two directions. First, we design SIMDRAM, an end-to-end processing-using-DRAM framework that aids the widespread adoption of processing-using-DRAM, a data-centric computation paradigm that improves the overall performance and efficiency of the system when computing large amounts of data by minimizing the cost of data movement and enabling computation where the data resides. Second, we introduce the Virtual Block Interface (VBI), a novel virtual memory framework that 1) eliminates the inefficiencies of the conventional virtual memory frameworks when handling the high memory demand in modern applications, and 2) is built from the ground up to understand, convey, and exploit data properties, to create opportunities for performance and efficiency improvements.



现代和新兴应用程序使用和生成的输入和/或中间数据的大小呈爆炸性增长。不幸的是,现代计算系统不能有效地处理大量数据。几乎所有计算系统中使用的主要概念和组件(例如,虚拟内存系统)以及主要执行模型(例如,以处理器为中心的执行模型)的设计都没有考虑到现代应用程序的压倒性数据需求。因此,访问、移动和处理大量数据在当今的系统中面临着重要挑战,使数据成为此类系统中的首要问题和主要性能和能源瓶颈。本论文研究了现代计算系统在处理现代应用程序的数据需求时效率低下的根本原因,并旨在从根本上解决这种低效率问题,重点放在两个方向上。首先,我们设计了 SIMDRAM,这是一种端到端处理使用 DRAM 框架,有助于广泛采用处理使用 DRAM,这是一种以数据为中心的计算范式,可在计算大量数据时提高系统的整体性能和效率通过最小化数据移动的成本并在数据所在的位置进行计算来实现数据的存储。其次,我们介绍了虚拟块接口 (VBI),这是一种新颖的虚拟内存框架,它 1) 在处理现代应用程序中的高内存需求时消除了传统虚拟内存框架的低效率,以及 2) 从头开始​​构建以理解、传达和利用数据属性,为性能和效率改进创造机会。