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Book Review: Law, Insecurity and Risk Control: Neo-Liberal Governance and the Populist Revolt by John Pratt
Social & Legal Studies ( IF 1.790 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: 10.1177/09646639211038700
Harry Annison 1

Law, Insecurity and Risk Control is the latest in a number of books authored by John Pratt that apply a social theoretical perspective to the consideration of broad societal dynamics, and their relationship with penal policy. Law, Insecurity and Risk Control examines and explains the relationship between neo-liberal governance and what Pratt calls the ‘populist revolt’. It discusses – and indeed places central in its analytical discussion – the ‘security sanction’ (described in more detail below) and its role, as Pratt sees it, in seeking to shore up the increasingly shaky foundations of the neo-liberal order.



《法律、不安全和风险控制》是约翰·普拉特 (John Pratt) 所著的多本书籍中的最新一本书,这些书籍将社会理论视角应用于考虑广泛的社会动态及其与刑事政策的关系。法律、不安全和风险控制研究并解释了新自由主义治理与普拉特所说的“民粹主义反抗”之间的关系。它讨论了——实际上是其分析讨论的核心——“安全制裁”(在下面更详细地描述)及其作用,正如普拉特所认为的,在寻求支持新自由主义秩序日益摇摇欲坠的基础方面。