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Integrating life cycle assessment in early process development stage: The case of extracting starch from mango kernel
Journal of Cleaner Production ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128981
Anne Karolyne Pereira da Silva 1 , Alexandre Cardoso 2 , Ednaldo Benício de Sá Filho 3 , Henriette Monteiro Cordeiro de Azeredo 4, 5 , Fausto Freire 6 , Francisco Casimiro Filho 7 , Maria Cléa Brito de Figueirêdo 4

An important issue in the development of new processes is how to perform environmental impact assessments that support decisions at an early stage of process development. In this study, a methodological procedure was applied to insert life cycle assessment (LCA) in early design of two alternative processes (A and B) to extract starch from mango kernel. This procedure allowed to perform LCAs at technology readiness levels (TRL) 4 and 5 considering different functional units, production scales and alternative scenarios. The analysis of process A and B identified the phase of starch purification as one of the most impacting one. After modifications were implemented, the comparison of Process A with B showed that process A, characterized by extracting only starch, performed better in all situations, being recommended for the implementation in a pilot plant, the next level in the technology maturity scale. Process B still requires improvements to reduce the impacts on climate change and human toxicity. This case study showed reductions in energy and water use, and life cycle impacts, when moving production from lab to industrial scale, through simulation. It also showed that crop production should be considered when evaluating processes that use biomass waste as raw material. The lessons learned from this case study allowed the simplification and detail of the applied procedure for inserting LCA at early research stage. This procedure can be applied to perform ex-ante LCA of new processes.



新工艺开发中的一个重要问题是如何进行环境影响评估,以支持工艺开发早期阶段的决策。在本研究中,应用了一种方法学程序,将生命周期评估 (LCA) 插入到两种替代工艺(A 和 B)的早期设计中,以从芒果仁中提取淀粉。考虑到不同的功能单元、生产规模和替代方案,该程序允许在技术准备级别 (TRL) 4 和 5 执行 LCA。过程 A 和 B 的分析确定淀粉纯化阶段是影响最大的阶段之一。实施修改后,工艺 A 与工艺 B 的比较表明,工艺 A 的特点是仅提取淀粉,在所有情况下都表现更好,被推荐在中试工厂实施,这是技术成熟度的下一个级别。工艺 B 仍需要改进以减少对气候变化和人类毒性的影响。该案例研究表明,通过模拟将生产从实验室规模转移到工业规模时,能源和水的使用量以及生命周期影响都会减少。它还表明,在评估使用生物质废物作为原材料的工艺时,应考虑作物生产。从这个案例研究中吸取的经验教训可以简化和详细说明在早期研究阶段插入 LCA 的应用程序。此过程可用于执行新流程的事前 LCA。该案例研究表明,通过模拟将生产从实验室规模转移到工业规模时,能源和水的使用量以及生命周期影响都会减少。它还表明,在评估使用生物质废物作为原材料的工艺时,应考虑作物生产。从这个案例研究中吸取的经验教训可以简化和详细说明在早期研究阶段插入 LCA 的应用程序。此过程可用于执行新流程的事前 LCA。该案例研究表明,通过模拟将生产从实验室规模转移到工业规模时,能源和水的使用量以及生命周期影响都会减少。它还表明,在评估使用生物质废物作为原材料的工艺时,应考虑作物生产。从这个案例研究中吸取的经验教训可以简化和详细说明在早期研究阶段插入 LCA 的应用程序。此过程可用于执行新流程的事前 LCA。从这个案例研究中吸取的经验教训可以简化和详细说明在早期研究阶段插入 LCA 的应用程序。此过程可用于执行新流程的事前 LCA。从这个案例研究中吸取的经验教训可以简化和详细说明在早期研究阶段插入 LCA 的应用程序。此过程可用于执行新流程的事前 LCA。
