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A scoping review of research on coordinated pathways towards employment for youth in vulnerable life situations
European Journal of Social Work ( IF 1.764 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-11 , DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2021.1977249
Therese Saltkjel 1 , Tone Alm Andreassen 2 , Sølvi Helseth 3 , Renate Minas 4


For youth in vulnerable life situations, pathways to employment can be challenging, suggesting the need for coordinated services. The aim of this review is to explore the existing research on coordinated services for youth in vulnerable life situations. Considering the heterogenous nature of the literature, we adopted a scoping review methodology. We selected works from a base of 92 papers on youth, coordinated services, and pathways to work that were published in English during the period of 1990–2018. Additionally, to identify research streams, we performed a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer to create network maps based on shared terms in the papers’ titles and abstracts. The synthesised findings show two streams of research that we refer to by the following narrative titles: (1) ‘Enabling transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities or severe health problems’, and (2) ‘Preventing the social exclusion of youth at risk’. The first stream seems to represent a more established area(s) of research, while the second stream appears to be more fragmented. The life situations of the youth in both streams, however, overlap, indicating possibilities for knowledge exchange, such as social workers engaging in policy practices and advancing efforts towards enacting system changes.




对于处于弱势生活境地的青年人来说,就业途径可能具有挑战性,这表明需要协调服务。本综述的目的是探索现有的关于为处于弱势生活境遇中的青少年提供协调服务的研究。考虑到文献的异质性,我们采用了范围界定审查方法。我们从 1990 年至 2018 年期间以英文发表的 92 篇关于青年、协调服务和工作途径的论文中选择了作品。此外,为了识别研究流,我们使用 VOSviewer 进行了文献计量分析,以根据论文标题和摘要中的共享术语创建网络图。综合研究结果显示了我们通过以下叙述性标题引用的两个研究流派:(1) “使残疾或有严重健康问题的青年能够过渡到成年期”,以及 (2) “防止处于危险中的青年被社会排斥”。第一个流似乎代表了一个更成熟的研究领域,而第二个流似乎更分散。然而,两种流派中青年的生活状况重叠,表明存在知识交流的可能性,例如社会工作者参与政策实践并推动制定制度变革的努力。
