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Front Cover: Versatile Emissive Three-Coordinated Gold(I) Systems-Properties and Perspectives (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 38/2021)
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-12 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202100760
Adrián Alconchel 1 , Olga Crespo 1 , M. Concepción Gimeno 1

The Front Cover shows different ligands with phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, or other donor atoms, used as building blocks for the construction of three-coordinated gold(I) complexes. These ligands may or may not be emissive, but their selection, together with different distortions from the ideal geometry around the gold atom, leads to luminescent three-coordinated complexes with different emission energies. Triplet harvesting, reported for some of these complexes, is desirable for building devices used, for instance, in mobile phones. In addition, changes in molecular disposition in the solid phase upon exposure to different solvents or VOCs allow tuning the emissive properties. The authors thank the GEQO group of the Spanish Royal Chemical Society (RSEQ) for their kind invitation to contribute to the RSEQ-GEQO Prize Winners Special Collection. Credit (cover background, images of the mobile phone and TV screen): Pixabay. More information can be found in the Minireview by A. Alconchel, O. Crespo, and M. C. Gimeno.


封面:多功能发光三配位金(I)系统-特性和视角(Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 38/2021)

封面显示了具有磷、氮、碳或其他供体原子的不同配体,用作构建三配位金 (I) 配合物的构件。这些配体可能会发光,也可能不会发光,但它们的选择,加上金原子周围理想几何形状的不同扭曲,导致发光的三配位配合物具有不同的发射能量。据报道,其中一些复合物的三重收获对于构建使用的设备是可取的,例如,在移动电话中。此外,暴露于不同溶剂或 VOC 时固相中分子排列的变化允许调整发射特性。作者感谢西班牙皇家化学学会 (RSEQ) 的 GEQO 小组盛情邀请为 RSEQ-GEQO 获奖者特别收藏做出贡献。信用(封面背景,手机和电视屏幕的图像):Pixabay。更多信息可以在 A. Alconchel、O. Crespo 和 M. C. Gimeno 的 Minireview 中找到。