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Teaching about vulnerability and love in social work: lessons and reflections from two academics
Social Work Education Pub Date : 2021-09-06 , DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2021.1972962
Kathomi Gatwiri 1 , Jim Ife 2


Teaching vulnerably, and doing so in a way that ‘talks back’ to the dominant ‘banking model’ and the neoliberal forces that have entered the classroom where everything is evaluated through flawed metrics such as Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs), is to take an enormous personal and professional risk. This paper is written as a critical collaborative autoethnographic reflective dialogue between two social work academics who embody diametrically opposed academic and life experiences. Contextualised within the space and place of the social work classroom, we offer stories and dialogue of our theoretical reflections of engaging with the concepts of love and vulnerability in our classrooms. Our narratives weave together an embodied vulnerability pedagogy, our processes of learning and our arrival at this place where we interrogate how vulnerability is taught, understood and experienced in social work education as part of our commitment to produce decolonised ways of teaching in social work.




脆弱的教学,并以一种与占主导地位的“银行模式”和进入课堂的新自由主义力量“对话”的方式进行教学,在课堂上,一切都通过有缺陷的指标,如学生教学评估 (SETs) 进行评估,是采取巨大的个人和职业风险。这篇论文是作为两位社会工作学者之间的批判性协作自我民族志反思对话而编写的,他们体现了截然相反的学术和生活经历。在社会工作课堂的空间和地点中,我们提供了关于我们在课堂上参与爱和脆弱性概念的理论思考的故事和对话。我们的叙述将具体的脆弱性教学法编织在一起,
