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Guest Editorial Special Issue on Resilience-Oriented Protection, Control, and Monitoring Systems for Power Grids
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1109/tpwrd.2021.3096395
Ali Hooshyar

The papers in this special section focus on resilience-oriented protection control and monitoring systems for power grids. Existing protection and control systems have been developed based on the properties and requirements of the legacy power system. However, the severity, frequency, and diversity of large-scale disturbances that can disrupt normal operation of power grids have increased. For instance, the number of major climate disasters has risen substantially, and the grid has been exposed to cyber-attacks due to the expansion of a host of different communication-dependent features/elements. In the meantime, various emerging components of modern grids can potentially be a major asset to improve the grid resilience. For example, islanded microgrids can ensure the continuity of service during major disruptions in the transmission system. Wide-area measurement systems also can provide predictive data in the event of large-scale disturbances, thus expediting mitigative measures. These recent developments have led to renewed and intensified efforts to meet the demands for higher levels of grid resilience. Protection, monitoring, and control systems will play a major role in these efforts by either preventing largescale disruptions or enabling the grid to cope with their consequences.


