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Shifting seasonal patterns of water availability: ecosystem responses to an unappreciated dimension of climate change
New Phytologist ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1111/nph.17728
Olivia L Hajek 1 , Alan K Knapp 1

Seasonal patterns of water availability can differ dramatically among ecosystems, with well-known consequences for ecosystem structure and functioning. Less appreciated is that climate change can shift the seasonality of water availability (e.g. to wetter springs, drier summers), resulting in both subtle and profound ecological impacts. Here we (1) review evidence that the seasonal availability of water is being altered in ecosystems worldwide, (2) explore several mechanisms potentially driving these changes, and (3) highlight the breadth of ecological consequences resulting from shifts in the seasonality of water availability. We conclude that seasonal patterns of water availability are changing globally, but in regionally specific ways requiring more rigorous and nuanced assessments of ecosystem vulnerability as well as the ecological consequences.



不同生态系统之间水资源可用性的季节性模式可能存在显着差异,对生态系统结构和功能产生众所周知的影响。鲜为人知的是,气候变化会改变水供应的季节性(例如,春季潮湿、夏季干燥),从而产生微妙而深远的生态影响。在这里,我们 (1) 回顾了全球生态系统中水资源的季节性可用性正在发生变化的证据,(2) 探讨了可能推动这些变化的几种机制,以及 (3) 强调了水资源可用性季节性变化导致的生态后果的广度.我们得出结论,水资源供应的季节性模式正在全球范围内发生变化,但以区域特定的方式需要对生态系统脆弱性以及生态后果进行更严格和细致入微的评估。