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Current State and Prospects of Hydrogen Production at NPPs
Thermal Engineering Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1134/s0040601521080012
R. Z. Aminov 1 , A. N. Bayramov 1


According to the strategy of Rosenergoatom State Corporation, hydrogen energy is included in the list of priority areas for the development of nuclear energy in Russia. To ensure the base load of nuclear power plants (NPP), the technology of hydrogen production by the method of electrolysis of water at hydrogen complexes in combination with NPP power units becomes relevant. Traditionally, it was assumed to use pumped storage power plants (PSPP) for this purpose. However, their construction is limited by natural conditions and it is impossible near the NPP, which implies their charging from the power system at a rate three to four times higher than the cost of electricity produced at the NPP. A specific feature of the hydrogen complex is the possibility of its underground location at a small distance from the NPP using the electricity generated at the NPP for charging at cost. The advantage of underground placement is to reduce by one to two orders of magnitude the total risk from explosions and fires of a mixture of hydrogen with an oxidizer in the event of an accident. A block diagram of the use of hydrogen and oxygen when combining a hydrogen complex with a nuclear power plant is presented. The scale of consumption of hydrogen and its purity by industry for the period up to 2100 are given. The world prospects for the development of water electrolysis technology and the possibilities of hydrogen production in Russia are analyzed. Comparison of the efficiency of hydrogen production by water electrolysis and steam reforming of natural gas is carried out. Forecasted prices for nuclear fuel and natural gas are accepted for the future until 2035. In the production of hydrogen on the basis of “disrupted” night off-peak electricity, it is possible to operate a nuclear power plant without unloading power units, which ensures a reduction in the cost of hydrogen production and its competitiveness by the method of steam reforming of natural gas.




根据 Rosenergoatom 国家公司的战略,氢能被列入俄罗斯核能发展的优先领域清单。为确保核电站(NPP)的基本负荷,通过氢联合体电解水的方法与核电站发电机组相结合的制氢技术变得重要。传统上,假设为此目的使用抽水蓄能发电厂 (PSPP)。然而,它们的建设受自然条件的限制,不可能靠近核电站,这意味着它们从电力系统充电的速度比核电站生产的电力成本高出三到四倍。氢联合体的一个具体特点是其地下位置距离核电厂不远,使用核电厂产生的电力按成本收费。地下放置的优点是在发生事故时,将氢气与氧化剂的混合物引起的爆炸和火灾的总风险降低一到两个数量级。展示了将氢配合物与核电站结合时使用氢和氧的框图。给出了到 2100 年期间按工业划分的氢气消耗规模及其纯度。分析了水电解技术发展的世界前景和俄罗斯制氢的可能性。进行了水电解和天然气蒸汽重整制氢效率的比较。核燃料和天然气的预测价格在 2035 年之前被接受。 在“中断”夜间非高峰电力的基础上生产氢气,可以在不卸载发电机组的情况下运行核电站,从而确保通过天然气蒸汽重整的方法降低制氢成本及其竞争力。
