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Community Engagement in the Diagnosis and Control of a Bovine Paralytic Rabies Outbreak in Two Rural Communities of Mexico
Journal of Agromedicine ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-12 , DOI: 10.1080/1059924x.2021.1979153
Miguel Galarde-López 1 , Gerardo F Quiroz-Rocha 2 , Irma E Candanosa-Aranda 2 , Orbelín Soberanis-Ramos 2 , Lourdes García-García 1


Rabies is a neglected zoonosis with adverse public health effects. We describe the community engagement in containing a bovine paralytic rabies outbreak in two rural communities of Mexico. We carried out a participatory rapid appraisal using different community participation techniques for 2 weeks, including information sharing, community meetings, prioritization of activities, and training. In addition to the animal census and vaccination, necropsy and immunofluorescence tests were performed to diagnose rabies. Cattle mortality during the outbreak of bovine paralytic rabies was 4.5% (15/331); 1446 anti-rebies vacines were applied, directly benefiting 94 families. Members of two rural communities were trained. The continuous exchange of information among the stakeholders allowed us to inform, consult, involve, and empower community members. Community participation played an essential role in identifying a common problem, implementing activities to contain it, and successfully safeguarding public health, animal production, and food security.




狂犬病是一种被忽视的人畜共患病,对公共健康有不利影响。我们描述了在墨西哥的两个农村社区遏制牛麻痹性狂犬病爆发的社区参与。我们使用不同的社区参与技术进行了为期 2 周的参与式快速评估,包括信息共享、社区会议、活动优先级和培训。除了动物普查和疫苗接种外,还进行了尸检和免疫荧光测试以诊断狂犬病。牛麻痹性狂犬病爆发期间的牛死亡率为 4.5% (15/331);应用抗雷比斯疫苗1446个,直接惠及94个家庭。两个农村社区的成员接受了培训。利益相关者之间不断交换信息使我们能够告知、咨询、参与和授权社区成员。
