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Dutch Comfort: The limits of AI governance through municipal registers
arXiv - CS - Databases Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: arxiv-2109.02944
Corinne CathOxford Internet Institute University of Oxford, Fieke JansenData Justice Lab Cardiff University

In this commentary, we respond to a recent editorial letter by Professor Luciano Floridi entitled 'AI as a public service: Learning from Amsterdam and Helsinki'. Here, Floridi considers the positive impact of these municipal AI registers, which collect a limited number of algorithmic systems used by the city of Amsterdam and Helsinki. There are a number of assumptions about AI registers as a governance model for automated systems that we seek to question. Starting with recent attempts to normalize AI by decontextualizing and depoliticizing it, which is a fraught political project that encourages what we call 'ethics theater' given the proven dangers of using these systems in the context of the digital welfare state. We agree with Floridi that much can be learned from these registers about the role of AI systems in municipal city management. Yet, the lessons we draw, on the basis of our extensive ethnographic engagement with digital well-fare states are distinctly less optimistic.


Dutch Comfort:通过市政登记进行人工智能治理的局限性

在这篇评论中,我们回应了 Luciano Floridi 教授最近撰写的题为“人工智能作为一项公共服务:向阿姆斯特丹和赫尔辛基学习”的社论信。在这里,Floridi 考虑了这些市政 AI 登记册的积极影响,这些登记册收集了阿姆斯特丹和赫尔辛基市使用的有限数量的算法系统。有许多关于 AI 注册作为我们寻求质疑的自动化系统的治理模型的假设。从最近尝试通过去语境化和去政治化来使人工智能正常化,这是一个令人担忧的政治项目,鉴于在数字福利国家的背景下使用这些系统已被证明存在危险,因此鼓励我们所谓的“伦理剧场”。我们同意 Floridi 的观点,从这些登记册中可以学到很多关于人工智能系统在城市管理中的作用。然而,基于我们与数字福利国家的广泛民族志接触,我们得出的教训显然不那么乐观。