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Acidity of rainfall samples in close vicinity of coal-fired power plant with wet cooling tower with flue gas injection
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09443-x
Katarzyna Korszun-Klak 1 , Stanislaw Hlawiczka 1, 2 , Rafal Kobylecki 1

The paper presents measurement data concerning the degree of acidification of precipitation collected during a 6-month measurement campaign carried out in an immediate vicinity of a power plant, where the cooling tower was used for discharging flue gases as a product of coal combustion. As reference, data obtained from parallel measurements carried out at a monitoring station considered as city background station were used. High acidity of precipitation was anticipated due to reactions of acid gases contained in the combustion gases with water, which already occur inside the cooling tower. The results have not confirmed this assumption. The pH value of the precipitation samples was significantly higher than the pH of rainwater at the background station located 18 km away from the power plant.



本文介绍了在发电厂附近进行的为期 6 个月的测量活动中收集的有关降水酸化程度的测量数据,其中冷却塔用于排放作为燃煤产物的烟道气。作为参考,使用了在被视为城市背景站的监测站进行的并行测量获得的数据。由于燃烧气体中所含的酸性气体与水的反应,预计会出现高酸度的沉淀,这已经发生在冷却塔内。结果并未证实这一假设。降水样本的pH值明显高于距电厂18公里的背景站雨水的pH值。
