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Peer review declaration
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2000/1/011002

All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.

• Type of peer review: Double-blind (a paper will be reviewed by two experts (reviewers), The reviewers will not know the identity of the paper’s author (s)). Each reviewer was given four to eight weeks to review one paper.

• Conference submission management system: The submission of the abstract through online submission at the conference website https://conference.ucyp.edu.my/home-icitss/, while the full paper submission through conference official email “fullpaper.icitss@ucyp.edu.my”

• Number of submissions received: 43 papers

• Number of submissions sent for review: 30 papers

• Number of submissions accepted: 9 papers

• Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 20.93 %

• Average number of reviews per paper: 2 reviewers

• Total number of reviewers involved: 20 reviewers

Any additional info on review process:

• The review process was according to the guidelines given by JPCS

• Plagiarism is prohibited (Similarity index is 20% and below based on Turnitin Plagiarism Checker result)

• The review process controled by the chief editor of the conference papers. There are three review result categories. 1. Accepted with minor revision, 2. Major revision, and 3. Rejected. If the result were minor revision, the paper would not be sent for the second review after revised by the author (s). The paper was sent directly to proofreading process and layout editing. Nevertheless, if the result were major revision, the paper would be sent for second review.

Contact person for queries: Dedi Sanjaya, University College of Yayasan Pahang, Malaysia, dedi_sanjaya@ucyp.edu.my)

Please submit this form along with the rest of your files on the submission date written in your publishing agreement.

The information you provide will be published as part of your proceedings.



本期《物理学杂志:会议系列》中发表的所有论文均已通过编辑管理的流程进行同行评审。由专家评审员根据 IOP Publishing 出版的论文集期刊所期望的专业和科学标准进行审查。

• 同行评审类型:双盲(一篇论文将由两名专家(审稿人)审阅,审稿人不知道论文作者的身份)。每个审稿人有四到八周的时间来审阅一篇论文。

• 会议提交管理系统:摘要通过会议网站https://conference.ucyp.edu.my/home-icitss/在线提交,全文通过会议官方邮箱“fullpaper.icitss@ucyp”提交.edu.my”

• 收到的提交数量:43 篇论文

• 提交审查的提交数量:30 篇论文

• 接受的提交数量:9 篇论文

• 接受率(接受的提交数量/收到的提交数量 X 100):20.93 %

• 每篇论文的平均评论数:2 位评论者

• 涉及的审稿人总数:20 名审稿人


• 审查过程是根据 JPCS 提供的指导方针进行的

• 禁止抄袭(基于Turnitin Plagiarism Checker 的结果,相似指数为 20% 及以下)

• 由会议论文主编控制的审查过程。审查结果分为三类。1. 接受小修改, 2. 大修改, 和 3. 拒绝。若结果为小修,经作者修改后不送二次审稿。论文被直接发送到校对过程和版式编辑。然而,如果结果是重大修改,论文将被送去二次审查。

查询联系人:Dedi Sanjaya,马来西亚彭亨大学学院,dedi_sanjaya@ucyp.edu.my)


