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Assessment of load capacity of piles and conclusion of a new criterion using static load tests
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012205
H. H. Hussein

In this study, a comprehensive evaluation of 27 field tests carried out on different piles driven in various parts of Iraq. This evaluation is made in terms of the pile bearing capacity of each pile, using nine methods. These methods are (Davison offset limit, Chin konder, Brinch Hansen 80%, Brinch Hansen 90%, De court, De Beer, Vander Veen, Fuller&Hoy and Butler&Hoy). The evaluation has shown that De Beer, Chin kondeer, and Vanderveen methods are the best methods because the maximum bearing capacity obtained by these methods is associated with a low pile settlement, although Vander Veen method is time-consuming. Fuller&Hoy and Davison methods are very close and give good results, the maximum bearing capacity obtained by these two methods give high pile settlement, leading to structure failure, especially for structures subjected to loading and unloading. Brinch Hansen 90% and Butler&Hoy methods are suitable methods because they give a good and acceptable bearing capacity with very small pile settlement. As for Brinch Hansen 80% and De Beer methods, they provide high bearing capacity than the failure load. They can be used by multiplying the resulting values by 0.85 to get the maximum bearing capacity of the pile. The study shows that the ratio of 10% after comparing it with results is a bit exaggerating, and 4% of pile diameter can be used as a criterion to find the ultimate load.



在这项研究中,对在伊拉克不同地区打入的不同桩进行的 27 次现场测试进行了综合评估。该评估是根据每根桩的桩承载力进行的,使用九种方法。这些方法是(Davison offset limit、Chin konder、Brinch Hansen 80%、Brinch Hansen 90%、De court、De Beer、Vander Veen、Fuller&Hoy 和 Butler&Hoy)。评估表明,De Beer、Chin kondeer 和 Vanderveen 方法是最好的方法,因为通过这些方法获得的最大承载力与低桩沉降相关,尽管 Vander Veen 方法很耗时。Fuller&Hoy 和 Davison 方法非常接近并给出了很好的结果,这两种方法获得的最大承载力给出了高桩沉降,导致结构破坏,尤其适用于承受加载和卸载的结构。Binch Hansen 90% 和 Butler&Hoy 方法是合适的方法,因为它们具有良好且可接受的承载能力,并且桩沉降很小。至于 Binch Hansen 80% 和 De Beer 方法,它们提供比失效载荷高的承载能力。它们可以通过将结果值乘以 0.85 来使用,以获得桩的最大承载力。研究表明,与结果比较后的10%的比例有点夸张,4%的桩径可以作为确定极限荷载的标准。它们提供比故障载荷高的承载能力。它们可以通过将结果值乘以 0.85 来使用,以获得桩的最大承载力。研究表明,与结果比较后的10%的比例有点夸张,4%的桩径可以作为确定极限荷载的标准。它们提供比故障载荷高的承载能力。它们可以通过将结果值乘以 0.85 来使用,以获得桩的最大承载力。研究表明,与结果比较后的10%的比例有点夸张,4%的桩径可以作为确定极限荷载的标准。
