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Opening Doors to Employment: A Needs Assessment to Investigate Benefits and Work Counseling for People with Serious Mental Illness
Performance Improvement Quarterly Pub Date : 2021-09-06 , DOI: 10.1002/piq.21370
Kandi L. Horsman , Molly Sullivan , Lisa A. Giacumo

A needs assessment offers empirical evidence that organizational leaders can use to make defensible decisions to achieve desired results. Thus, this case study describes a needs assessment in which we sought to improve the performance of organizations delivering benefits advisement for people with serious mental illness (SMI) within their vocational rehabilitation program. To achieve a high level of confidence in the conclusions drawn from the data gathered, we triangulated different sources and data collection methods. To ensure a systemic representation, we gathered data from informants at all levels of the synchronized analysis model (SAM) (Marker, A., 2007, Synchronized analysis model: Linking Gilbert's behavior engineering model with environmental analysis models, Performance Improvement, 46(1), 26–32), including vocational rehabilitation professionals and their supervisors, directors of managed care organizations, and State Agency A (pseudonym). Data collection methods included extant data review, semi-structured interviews, and a scenario-based assessment. A client sponsor used the results to prioritize and select performance improvement interventions. In this article, we share the case study process and findings.



需求评估提供了经验证据,组织领导者可以利用这些证据做出合理的决策以实现预期的结果。因此,本案例研究描述了一项需求评估,在该评估中,我们试图提高组织在其职业康复计划中为严重精神疾病 (SMI) 患者提供福利建议的绩效。为了使从收集的数据中得出的结论具有高度的信心,我们对不同的来源和数据收集方法进行了三角测量。为了确保系统表示,我们从同步分析模型 (SAM) 的各个级别的线人那里收集数据(Marker,A.,2007,同步分析模型:将吉尔伯特的行为工程模型与环境分析模型联系起来,性能改进, 46(1), 26-32),包括职业康复专业人员及其主管、管理式医疗机构的主管和国家机构 A(化名)。数据收集方法包括现有数据审查、半结构化访谈和基于情景的评估。客户发起人使用结果来确定和选择绩效改进干预措施的优先级。在本文中,我们分享了案例研究过程和发现。