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The Temptations of Scapegoating
American Criminal Law Review ( IF 3.455 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01
Daniel B. Yeager

In this Article, I examine four types of scapegoating which I designate (1) frame-ups, (2) axe-grindings, (3) patsies, and (4) reckonings. Each type is distinct from the original Levitical sense of the term whereby Aaron, by placing his hands on the head of a live goat and confessing the sins of the people of Israel, transfers the guilt of the people to the goat, which he promptly banishes to the desert. That Levitical sense of the term still has point within the fields of race, family psychology, and mass sociology, where scapegoating is identified as a process of “exter-nalizing” social harms.



在本文中,我检查了四种类型的替罪羊,我指定了 (1) 陷害、(2) 斧头研磨、(3) 替罪羊和 (4) 清算。每种类型都不同于这个词的原始利未意义,亚伦通过把手放在一只活山羊的头上并承认以色列人民的罪,将人民的罪孽转移到山羊身上,他迅速将山羊驱逐到沙漠。这个术语的利未意义在种族、家庭心理学和大众社会学领域仍然具有意义,在这些领域,替罪羊被认为是一种“外部化”社会危害的过程。