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The epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management toward COVID-19 patients with Type 2 diabetes: A systematic review
Primary Care Diabetes ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pcd.2021.08.014
Yun Yin 1 , Kristen E Rohli 2 , Pengyue Shen 3 , Haonan Lu 3 , Yuenan Liu 3 , Qingyu Dou 4 , Lin Zhang 5 , Xiangyi Kong 6 , Shujuan Yang 7 , Peng Jia 8

This review comprehensively summarizes epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 in patients with Type 2 diabetes, explores pathophysiological mechanisms, and integrates recommendations and guidelines for patient management. We found that diabetes was a risk factor for diagnosed infection and poor prognosis of COVID-19. Patients with diabetes may be more susceptible to adverse outcomes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection due to impaired immune function and possible upregulation of enzymes that mediate viral invasion. The chronic inflammation caused by diabetes, coupled with the acute inflammatory reaction caused by SARS-CoV-2, results in a propensity for inflammatory storm. Patients with diabetes should be aware of their increased risk for COVID-19.


COVID-19 合并 2 型糖尿病患者的流行病学、病理生理学机制和治疗:系统评价

本综述全面总结了 2 型糖尿病患者中 COVID-19 的流行病学证据,探讨了病理生理学机制,并整合了患者管理的建议和指南。我们发现糖尿病是确诊感染 COVID-19 和预后不良的危险因素。由于免疫功能受损以及介导病毒入侵的酶可能上调,糖尿病患者可能更容易受到与 SARS-CoV-2 感染相关的不良后果的影响。糖尿病引起的慢性炎症,加上SARS-CoV-2引起的急性炎症反应,导致炎症风暴的倾向。糖尿病患者应意识到自己感染 COVID-19 的风险增加。
