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Maternal smoking during pregnancy and asthma during the first year of life: a comparative study between smokers and nonsmoker mothers.
Allergologia et Immunopathologia ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.15586/aei.v49i5.439
Cristina Rivas-Juesas 1 , Lucía Fernández Monge 2 , Ana Delgado Vicente 2 , Ana Ledo García 3 , Maribel Giner Crespo 2 , Alicia Coret Sinisterra 2

BACKGROUND We investigated the relationship between maternal smoking in pregnancy and health care problems in the offspring during the first year of life, particularly asthma. MATERIAL AND METHODS A cohort of 648 consecutive infants born at term and alive at Hospital de Sagunto (Valencia, Spain) over one year period was followed for 12 months. Clinical data of the infants were prospectively collected from the database of ambulatory medical records (ABUCASIS) of the Valencia health system. RESULTS Smoking during pregnancy was recorded in 164 (25.3%) mothers. During the first year of life, asthma was diagnosed in 101 infants, with an incidence of 15.7%. The diagnoses of asthma (25.6% vs. 12.3%; P < 0.0001) and bronchiolitis (44.5% vs. 28.6%; P = 0.0002) during the first year of life were more common among infants in the smoking group. The probability of developing asthma during the first year of life was two-fold higher for the male gender and 2.5 times higher when mothers smoked while pregnant. Up to 52% of asthma cases could have been avoided in infants born to smoking mothers if they did not smoke during pregnancy. Infants in the smoking group showed a lower weight and length at birth than infants in the nonsmoking group differences almost disappeared at 6 months and 12 months. CONCLUSION Asthma during the first year of life showed a clear relationship with maternal smoking in pregnancy. Pregnant women should be advised of the significant perinatal risk for respiratory diseases associated with tobacco use.



背景 我们调查了孕期母亲吸烟与出生后第一年的后代健康问题之间的关系,尤其是哮喘。材料和方法 对在萨贡托医院(西班牙瓦伦西亚)连续足月出生并存活的 648 名婴儿进行为期 12 个月的随访。婴儿的临床数据是从瓦伦西亚卫生系统的流动医疗记录数据库(ABUCASIS)前瞻性收集的。结果 164 名 (25.3%) 母亲在怀孕期间吸烟。在出生后的第一年,101 名婴儿被诊断出哮喘,发病率为 15.7%。吸烟组婴儿在出生后第一年诊断出哮喘(25.6% vs. 12.3%;P < 0.0001)和毛细支气管炎(44.5% vs. 28.6%;P = 0.0002)更为常见。男性在出生后第一年患哮喘的概率是男性的两倍,而母亲在怀孕期间吸烟的概率是 2.5 倍。如果怀孕期间不吸烟,吸烟母亲所生的婴儿可以避免多达 52% 的哮喘病例。吸烟组婴儿出生时体重和身长低于非吸烟组婴儿,差异在 6 个月和 12 个月时几乎消失。结论 出生后第一年的哮喘与孕期母亲吸烟有明显的关系。应告知孕妇与烟草使用相关的呼吸系统疾病的显着围产期风险。如果怀孕期间不吸烟,吸烟母亲所生的婴儿可以避免多达 52% 的哮喘病例。吸烟组婴儿出生时体重和身长低于非吸烟组婴儿,差异在 6 个月和 12 个月时几乎消失。结论 出生后第一年的哮喘与孕期母亲吸烟有明显的关系。应告知孕妇与烟草使用相关的呼吸系统疾病的显着围产期风险。如果怀孕期间不吸烟,吸烟母亲所生的婴儿可以避免多达 52% 的哮喘病例。吸烟组婴儿出生时体重和身长低于非吸烟组婴儿,差异在 6 个月和 12 个月时几乎消失。结论 出生后第一年的哮喘与孕期母亲吸烟有明显的关系。应告知孕妇与烟草使用相关的呼吸系统疾病的显着围产期风险。结论 出生后第一年的哮喘与孕期母亲吸烟有明显的关系。应告知孕妇与烟草使用相关的呼吸系统疾病的显着围产期风险。结论 出生后第一年的哮喘与孕期母亲吸烟有明显的关系。应告知孕妇与烟草使用相关的呼吸系统疾病的显着围产期风险。