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Cannabinoids vs. whole metabolome: Relevance of cannabinomics in analyzing Cannabis varieties
Analytica Chimica Acta ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2021.339020
Pedro G Vásquez-Ocmín 1 , Guillaume Marti 2 , Maxime Bonhomme 3 , Fabienne Mathis 4 , Sylvie Fournier 2 , Stéphane Bertani 5 , Alexandre Maciuk 6

Cannabis sativa has a long history of domestication both for its bioactive compounds and its fibers. This has produced hundreds of varieties, usually characterized in the literature by chemotypes, with Δ9-THC and CBD content as the main markers. However, chemotyping could also be done based on minor compounds (phytocannabinoids and others). In this work, a workflow, which we propose to name cannabinomics, combines mass spectrometry of the whole metabolome and statistical analysis to help differentiate C. sativa varieties and deciphering their characteristic markers. By applying this cannabinomics approach to the data obtained from 20 varieties of C. sativa (classically classified as chemotype I, II, or III), we compared the results with those obtained by a targeted quantification of 11 phytocannabinoids. Cannabinomics can be considered as a complementary tool for phenotyping and genotyping, allowing the identification of minor compounds playing a key role as markers of differentiation.



大麻的生物活性化合物和纤维具有悠久的驯化历史。这产生了数百个品种,通常在文献中以化学型为特征,以 Δ 9 -THC 和 CBD 含量为主要标记。然而,化学分型也可以基于少量化合物(植物大麻素等)进行。在这项工作中,我们建议将其命名为大麻组学的工作流程结合了整个代谢组的质谱分析和统计分析,以帮助区分C. sativa品种并破译其特征标记。通过将这种大麻组学方法应用于从 20 个品种的C. sativa 中获得的数据(经典归类为化学型 I、II 或 III),我们将结果与通过对 11 种植物大麻素进行靶向定量所获得的结果进行比较。大麻组学可被视为表型分析和基因分型的补充工具,允许鉴定作为分化标志物起关键作用的次要化合物。
