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Mobile health technology to improve maternal health awareness in tribal populations: mobile for mothers
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-30 , DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocab172
Avishek Choudhury 1 , Onur Asan 1 , Murari M Choudhury 2

Mobile health (mHealth) applications have the potential to improve health awareness. This study reports a quasi-controlled intervention to augment maternal health awareness among tribal pregnant mothers through the mHealth application. Households from 2 independent villages with similar socio-demographics in tribal regions of India were selected as intervention (Village A) and control group (Village B). The control group received government mandated programs through traditional means (orally), whereas the intervention group received the same education through mHealth utilization. Postintervention, awareness about tetanus injections and consumption of iron tablets was significantly (P < .001) improved in the intervention group by 55% and 58%, respectively. Awareness about hygiene significantly (P < .001) increased by 57.1%. In addition, mothers in the intervention group who recognized vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, severe blurring of vision, or convulsions as danger signs during pregnancy significantly (P < .001) increased by 18.30%, 23.2%, 20.0%, and 4.90%, respectively. Our study indicates that despite the low literacy of users, mHealth intervention can improve maternal health awareness among tribal communities.



移动健康 (mHealth) 应用程序具有提高健康意识的潜力。本研究报告了一项准受控干预措施,旨在通过 mHealth 应用程序提高部落孕妇的孕产妇健康意识。来自印度部落地区具有相似社会人口特征的 2 个独立村庄的家庭被选为干预(村庄 A)和对照组(村庄 B)。对照组通过传统方式(口头)接受政府授权的项目,而干预组通过 mHealth 接受相同的教育。干预后, 干预组对破伤风注射剂和铁片消费的认识分别显着提高( P < .001) 55% 和 58%。卫生意识显着(P < .001) 增加了 57.1%。此外,干预组母亲将阴道流血、剧烈腹痛、严重视力模糊或抽搐视为妊娠期危险体征的 比例显着增加(P < .001),分别增加了 18.30%、23.2%、20.0% 和 4.90% , 分别。我们的研究表明,尽管用户识字率低,但移动医疗干预可以提高部落社区的孕产妇健康意识。