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Discrimination of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares between nursery areas in the Indian Ocean using otolith chemistry
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13769
I Artetxe-Arrate 1 , I Fraile 1 , N Clear 2 , AM Darnaude 3 , DL Dettman 4 , C Pécheyran 5 , J Farley 2 , H Murua 6

ABSTRACT: Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares is a highly exploited species in the Indian Ocean. Yet, its stock structure is still not well understood, hindering assessment of the stock at a suitable spatial scale for management. Here, young-of-the-year (<4 mo) yellowfin tuna otoliths were collected in 2018 and 2019, from 4 major nursery areas in the Indian Ocean: Madagascar, Seychelles-Somalia, Maldives and Sumatra. First, direct age estimates were made in a subset of otoliths by visually counting microincrements to identify the portion of the otolith corresponding to the larval stage. We then developed 2-dimensional maps of trace element concentrations to examine spatial distribution of elements across otolith transverse sections. Different distribution patterns were observed among the elements analysed; Li, Sr and Ba were enriched in the portion of the otolith representing early life, whereas Mn and Mg concentrations were heterogeneous across growth bands. Last, we analysed inter-annual and regional variation in otolith chemical composition using both trace elements (Li, Mg, Sr, Ba and Mn) and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O). Significant regional variation in otolith chemical signatures was detected among nurseries, except between Madagascar and Seychelles-Somalia. Otolith δ13C and δ18O were important drivers of differentiation between western (Madagascar and Seychelles-Somalia), Maldives and Sumatra nurseries, whereas the elemental signatures were cohort specific. Overall nursery assignment accuracies were 69-71%. The present study demonstrates that baseline chemical signatures in the otoliths of yellowfin tuna are regionally distinct and can be used as a natural tag to investigate the nursery origin of older individuals in the Indian Ocean.


使用耳石化学鉴别印度洋育苗区之间的黄鳍金枪鱼 Thunnus albacares

摘要:黄鳍金枪鱼Thunnus albacares是印度洋高度开发的物种。然而,其种群结构仍不清楚,阻碍了在合适的空间尺度上对种群进行评估以进行管理。在这里,2018 年和 2019 年从印度洋的 4 个主要育苗区收集了当年(<4 个月)黄鳍金枪鱼耳石:马达加斯加、塞舌尔-索马里、马尔代夫和苏门答腊。首先,通过目视计算微增量来确定与幼虫阶段相对应的耳石部分,对耳石子集进行直接年龄估计。然后,我们开发了微量元素浓度的二维图,以检查耳石横截面中元素的空间分布。在所分析的元素中观察到不同的分布模式;Li、Sr 和 Ba 在代表早期生命的耳石部分中富集,而 Mn 和 Mg 浓度在整个生长带中是不均匀的。最后,我们使用微量元素(Li、Mg、Sr、Ba 和 Mn)和稳定同位素(δ13 C和δ 18 O)。除了马达加斯加和塞舌尔-索马里之外,在托儿所中检测到耳石化学特征的显着区域差异。耳石 δ 13 C 和 δ 18 O 是西部(马达加斯加和塞舌尔-索马里)、马尔代夫和苏门答腊苗圃之间分化的重要驱动因素,而元素特征是特定于群体的。总体托儿所分配准确率为 69-71%。本研究表明,黄鳍金枪鱼耳石中的基线化学特征在区域上是不同的,可用作研究印度洋老年人苗圃起源的自然标记。