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Different resiliencies in coral communities over ecological and geological time scales in American Samoa
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13792
C Birkeland 1 , A Green 2 , A Lawrence 3 , G Coward 3 , M Vaeoso 3 , D Fenner 4

ABSTRACT: In 1917, Alfred Mayor surveyed a 270 m transect on a reef flat on American Samoa. Eleven surveys were conducted on the transect from 1917 to 2019. The coral community on the reef crest was resilient over the century, occasionally being seriously damaged but always recovering rapidly. In contrast, the originally most dense coral community on the reef flat has been steadily deteriorating throughout the century. Resilience of coral communities in regions of high wave energy on the reef crests was associated with the important binding function of the crustose coralline alga (CCA) Porolithon onkodes. Successful coral recruits were found on CCA 94% of the time, yet living coral cover correlated negatively with CCA cover as they became alternative winners in competition. Mayor drilled a core from the transect on the surface to the basalt base of the reef 48 m below. Communities on Aua reef were dominated by scleractinians through the Holocene, while cores on another transect 2 km away showed the reef was occupied by alcyonaceans of the genus Sinularia, which built the massive reef with spiculite to the basalt base 37 m below. Despite periods of sea levels rising 9 to 15 times the rate of reef accretion, the reefs never drowned. The consistency of scleractinians on Aua reef and Sinularia on Utulei Reef 2 km away during the Holocene was because the shape of the bay allowed more water motion on Aua reef. After 10700 yr of reef building by octocorals, coastal construction terminated this spiculite-reef development.



摘要:1917 年,Alfred Mayor 在美属萨摩亚的礁滩上勘测了 270 m 的横断面。从 1917 年到 2019 年,对该断面进行了 11 次调查。 礁顶上的珊瑚群落在一个世纪中具有复原力,偶尔受到严重破坏,但总是迅速恢复。相比之下,礁滩上原本最密集的珊瑚群落在整个世纪中一直在稳步恶化。礁顶高波能量区域珊瑚群落的恢复力与壳珊瑚藻 (CCA) Porolithon onkodes的重要结合功能有关. 在 CCA 上发现成功的珊瑚新兵 94% 的时间,但活珊瑚覆盖与 CCA 覆盖呈负相关,因为它们成为竞争中的替代赢家。马约尔从地表的断面到 48 m 以下的暗礁玄武岩底部钻了一个岩心。Aua 礁群上的群落在全新世期间以石珊瑚群为主,而 2 km 外另一条断面的岩心显示该礁被Sinularia属的藻类占据,它们在 37 m 以下的玄武岩基部用尖晶石建造了巨大的礁体。尽管海平面上升的速度是珊瑚礁增长速度的 9 到 15 倍,但珊瑚礁从未被淹死。Aua 礁和Sinularia上石珊瑚的一致性在全新世期间 2 公里外的 Utulei 礁上是因为海湾的形状允许在 Aua 礁上进行更多的水运动。在八珊瑚建造珊瑚礁 10700 年之后,沿海建设终止了这种针状珊瑚礁的发展。