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A review of multi-scale and multi-physics simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes with focus on modeling strategies
Additive Manufacturing ( IF 11.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102278
Mohamad Bayat 1 , Wen Dong 2 , Jesper Thorborg 1 , Albert C. To 2 , Jesper H. Hattel 1

Numerical simulations have recently shown their potential as a robust, cheap and reliable tool for predicting the quality of components produced by metal additive manufacturing (MAM) processes. Despite the advantages of the MAM processes over conventional manufacturing methods, there is still a lack of thorough understanding on how different defects can form and originate during MAM processing. In that respect, advanced numerical techniques recently developed have the ability to predict the occurrence of such defects. These techniques have paved the way to efficiently obtain the optimal processing window for targeted mechanical properties to satisfy the end-use design requirements. The aim of this review paper is hence to present and classify numerical simulations of MAM, not solely based on their length-scale as often seen, but also based on the involved physics, as well as the modeling strategies at both the meso-scale and part-scale. The paper is arranged in the following way: First, literature describing purely conduction-based heat transfer simulations at meso-scale are presented. This is followed by a review of fluid-based simulations of increasing complexity based on the treatment of free surface of the melt pool at meso-scale. Finally, contributions based on different part-scale modeling approaches with a focus on thermo-mechanical behavior are reviewed.



最近,数值模拟显示了它们作为一种强大、廉价且可靠的工具的潜力,可用于预测金属增材制造 (MAM) 工艺生产的部件的质量。尽管 MAM 工艺相对于传统制造方法具有优势,但仍然缺乏对 MAM 工艺过程中不同缺陷如何形成和起源的透彻了解。在这方面,最近开发的先进数值技术能够预测此类缺陷的发生。这些技术为有效获得目标机械性能的最佳加工窗口铺平了道路,以满足最终使用设计要求。因此,这篇评论论文的目的是对 MAM 的数值模拟进行呈现和分类,而不仅仅是基于它们经常看到的长度尺度,但也基于所涉及的物理学,以及中观尺度和部分尺度的建模策略。本文按以下方式排列:首先,介绍了描述中尺度纯传导热传递模拟的文献。接下来是对基于中尺度熔池自由表面处理的复杂性增加的基于流体的模拟的回顾。最后,回顾了基于不同零件规模建模方法的贡献,重点是热机械行为。接下来是对基于中尺度熔池自由表面处理的复杂性增加的基于流体的模拟的回顾。最后,回顾了基于不同零件规模建模方法的贡献,重点是热机械行为。接下来是对基于中尺度熔池自由表面处理的复杂性增加的基于流体的模拟的回顾。最后,回顾了基于不同零件规模建模方法的贡献,重点是热机械行为。
