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A New Paradigm for the Periphery: The Case Against Reuniting City and Factory
Architectural Design Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ad.2734
Frank Barkow

Amid all the hype about bringing factories back from the periphery and reintegrating them into the city centre, are some of the downsides of central location being ignored? Frank Barkow, co-founder of architectural practice Barkow Leibinger with offices in Berlin and New York, argues for a continuation of the industrial edge condition on the grounds of scale, flexibility and adaptability as well as in terms of transport infrastructure.



在所有关于将工厂从外围带回并将它们重新整合到市中心的炒作中,是否忽略了中心位置的一些缺点?Frank Barkow是建筑实践 Barkow Leibinger 的联合创始人,在柏林和纽约设有办事处,他主张在规模、灵活性和适应性以及交通基础设施方面继续保持工业边缘条件。