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Implications of Facebook Engagement Types and Feed’s Social Content for Self-Esteem via Social Comparison Processes
Social Media + Society ( IF 4.636 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1177/20563051211042400
Penny Triệu 1 , Nicole B. Ellison 1 , Sarita Y. Schoenebeck 1 , Robin N. Brewer 1

Self-esteem, generally understood as subjective appraisal of one’s social worth and qualities, is related to how people use social media and the gratifications derived from their use—processes driven in part by social comparison. Two major components of the social media experience drive social comparison processes: (1) what content people engage with (feeds content) and (2) how they engage with such content (engagement type). We conducted an eye-tracking study (N = 38), to measure viewing time spent on individual Facebook posts and paired this measurement with clicking behaviors. We found that spending more time looking at posts and clicking on more of them was associated with lower self-esteem for people with more social content on their feeds. We discuss the importance of examining browsing behaviors as a combination of viewing time, clicking, and feed’s content—especially given its potential impact on well-being outcomes such as self-esteem via social comparison processes.


通过社交比较过程,Facebook 参与类型和 Feed 社交内容对自尊的影响

自尊,通常被理解为对一个人的社会价值和品质的主观评价,它与人们如何使用社交媒体以及从使用社交媒体中获得的满足感相关——部分由社会比较驱动的过程。社交媒体体验的两个主要组成部分推动了社会比较过程:(1)人们参与的内容(馈送内容)和(2)他们如何参与此类内容(参与类型)。我们进行了一项眼球追踪研究(N = 38),以测量在单个 Facebook 帖子上花费的查看时间,并将此测量与点击行为配对。我们发现,花更多的时间查看帖子并点击更多帖子与在其供稿中拥有更多社交内容的人的自尊心较低有关。我们讨论了将浏览行为作为查看时间、点击和提要内容的组合来检查的重要性 - 特别是考虑到它通过社会比较过程对幸福结果(例如自尊)的潜在影响。
