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The Need to Belong: a Deep Dive into the Origins, Implications, and Future of a Foundational Construct
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-021-09633-6
Kelly-Ann Allen 1, 2 , DeLeon L Gray 3 , Roy F Baumeister 4 , Mark R Leary 5

The need to belong in human motivation is relevant for all academic disciplines that study human behavior, with immense importance to educational psychology. The presence of belonging, specifically school belonging, has powerful long- and short-term implications for students’ positive psychological and academic outcomes. This article presents a brief review of belonging research with specific relevance to educational psychology. Following this is an interview with Emeritus Professors Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary, foundational pioneers in belonging research which reflects upon their influential 1995 paper, “The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation,” to explore the value and relevance of belonging for understanding human behavior and promoting well-being.



归属于人类动机的需要与所有研究人类行为的学科相关,对教育心理学具有极其重要的意义。归属感的存在,特别是学校归属感,对学生的积极心理和学业成绩具有强大的长期和短期影响。本文简要回顾了与教育心理学相关的归属感研究。在此之后是对归属研究的基础先驱名誉教授 Roy Baumeister 和 Mark Leary 的采访,他们回顾了他们 1995 年有影响力的论文“归属的需要:将人际依恋作为人类基本动机的渴望”,以探索价值和相关性理解人类行为和促进幸福感的归属感。
