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Violent Child Discipline in the Family: Findings from Vietnam Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys
Child Indicators Research ( IF 2.322 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12187-021-09847-8
Nguyen Huu Minh 1 , Tran Thi Hong 1 , Tran Quy Long 1 , Nguyen Ha Dong 1

This paper presents the findings from an in-depth analysis of violent child discipline in the family in Vietnam. The analysis was conducted using data from the Vietnam Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) 2006, 2011 and 2014. The analysis was disaggregated by child’s age, sex, mother’s education, wealth, ethnicity, residence (urban, rural) and geographic areas; bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted. Data from the 2014 MICS show that two in three children aged 1–14 have experienced some form of violent discipline. Significantly, physical punishment is a widespread practice (42.7% of families). Boys were slightly more likely to be subjected to violent disciplinary practices than girls. The prevalence of violent discipline fluctuated, peaking at children aged 5–9 years, and then falling among children aged 10–14 years. Children were four times more likely to experience violent punishment if their mothers/primary caregivers considered physical punishment necessary. However, even among children whose mothers/primary caregivers did not endorse violent punishment, a large proportion of children were still subjected to it. The data also show that violent child discipline decreased significantly over time, albeit with variations in the reduction of forms of violent discipline. While high levels of reduction in psychological aggression against children were observed from 2006 to 2011, the reduction was attributed to physical punishment during the period 2011–2014. Recommendations to reduce violent child discipline include the role of government agencies, social organization and the wider community, as well as the immediate family.



本文介绍了深入分析越南家庭暴力儿童管教的结果。该分析使用了 2006 年、2011 年和 2014 年越南多指标类集调查 (MICS) 的数据。该分析按儿童的年龄、性别、母亲的教育、财富、种族、居住地(城市、农村)和地理区域进行了分解;进行了双变量和多变量分析。2014 年 MICS 的数据显示,三分之二的 1-14 岁儿童经历过某种形式的暴力管教。值得注意的是,体罚是一种普遍的做法(42.7% 的家庭)。男孩比女孩更容易受到暴力纪律处分。暴力管教的流行程度有所波动,在 5-9 岁儿童达到高峰,然后在 10-14 岁儿童中下降。如果他们的母亲/主要看护人认为有必要进行体罚,则儿童遭受暴力惩罚的可能性要高出四倍。然而,即使在母亲/主要照顾者不支持暴力惩罚的儿童中,仍有很大比例的儿童受到暴力惩罚。数据还显示,暴力管教儿童随着时间的推移显着减少,尽管暴力管教形式的减少有所不同。虽然在 2006 年至 2011 年期间观察到对儿童的心理攻击大幅减少,但减少的原因是 2011 年至 2014 年期间的体罚。减少暴力管教的建议包括政府机构、社会组织和更广泛的社区以及直系亲属的作用。
