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Poverty and terrorism in Africa: Understanding the nexus based on existing levels of terrorism
Poverty & Public Policy Pub Date : 2021-08-29 , DOI: 10.1002/pop4.318
Chimere O. Iheonu 1 , Hyacinth E. Ichoku 2

Prevailing literature recognizes that poverty may not act as a significant factor that spurs the level of terrorist activities. However, literature on the relationship between poverty and terrorism in Africa remains sparse. This study, therefore, investigates the influence of poverty on terrorism in 26 African countries from 2000 to 2017 in a panel data environment. Findings from the two-stage least square regression, with standard errors which are heteroskedastic and autocorrelation consistent, show that poverty significantly raises the level of terrorism incidents. However, after accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, we find that the positive relationship between poverty and terrorism becomes insignificant. Further findings employing the instrumental variable quantile regression with fixed effects show that the existing levels of terrorism incidents matter for the impact of poverty on terrorism incidents. The result shows that the impact of poverty on terrorism is only significant at the median. Furthermore, economic growth, political stability, income inequality, and unemployment matter for terrorism in Africa. The study highlights that poverty is not a determining factor for terrorism in Africa when compared to economic growth, political stability, and unemployment. Recommendations are such that inclusive growth, political stability, and unemployment reduction should be prioritized in Africa.



流行的文献承认,贫困可能不是刺激恐怖活动水平的重要因素。然而,关于非洲贫困与恐怖主义之间关系的文献仍然很少。因此,本研究在面板数据环境中调查了 26 个非洲国家从 2000 年到 2017 年贫困对恐怖主义的影响。两阶段最小二乘回归的结果,具有异方差和自相关一致的标准误,表明贫困显着提高了恐怖主义事件的水平。然而,在考虑到未观察到的异质性后,我们发现贫困与恐怖主义之间的正相关关系变得微不足道。采用具有固定效应的工具变量分位数回归的进一步研究结果表明,恐怖主义事件的现有水平对贫困对恐怖主义事件的影响很重要。结果表明,贫困对恐怖主义的影响仅在中位数上显着。此外,经济增长、政治稳定、收入不平等和失业对非洲的恐怖主义很重要。该研究强调,与经济增长、政治稳定和失业相比,贫困并不是非洲恐怖主义的决定性因素。建议是在非洲优先考虑包容性增长、政治稳定和减少失业。此外,经济增长、政治稳定、收入不平等和失业对非洲的恐怖主义很重要。该研究强调,与经济增长、政治稳定和失业相比,贫困并不是非洲恐怖主义的决定性因素。建议是在非洲优先考虑包容性增长、政治稳定和减少失业。此外,经济增长、政治稳定、收入不平等和失业对非洲的恐怖主义很重要。该研究强调,与经济增长、政治稳定和失业相比,贫困并不是非洲恐怖主义的决定性因素。建议是在非洲优先考虑包容性增长、政治稳定和减少失业。