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Goods movement, road safety, and spatial inequity: Evaluating freight-related crashes in low-income or minority neighborhoods
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103186
Quan Yuan 1 , Jueyu Wang 2

The significant growth in freight traffic and relevant crashes has aroused increasing concerns about road safety threats in local communities. We use data from the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area and examine the spatial relationship between freight-related crashes and neighborhoods with low-income and minority populations. We find that both household income and percentage of minority population are significantly correlated with the density of both freight-related crashes and freight-related crashes causing severe injuries and fatalities. The results indicate that freight-related crashes are subject to a spatial inequity problem. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating freight-related safety improvement within these low-income and minority neighborhoods.



货运交通和相关事故的显着增长引起了人们对当地社区道路安全威胁的日益关注。我们使用来自明尼阿波利斯-圣的数据。Paul Metropolitan Area 并检查与货运相关的车祸与低收入和少数族裔人口社区之间的空间关系。我们发现,家庭收入和少数族裔人口百分比都与货运相关事故和造成严重伤亡的货运相关事故的密度显着相关。结果表明,与货运相关的碰撞受到空间不公平问题的影响。调查结果强调了将与货运相关的安全改进纳入这些低收入和少数民族社区的重要性。
