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Teacher–student neural coupling during teaching and learning
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1093/scan/nsab103
Mai Nguyen 1 , Ashley Chang 1 , Emily Micciche 2 , Meir Meshulam 3 , Samuel A Nastase 3 , Uri Hasson 1, 3

Human communication is remarkably versatile, enabling teachers to share highly abstracted and novel information with their students. What neural processes enable such transfer of information across brains during naturalistic teaching and learning? Here, a teacher was scanned in functional magnetic resonance imaging while giving an oral lecture with slides on a scientific topic followed by a review lecture. Students were then scanned while watching either the intact Lecture and Review (N = 20) or a temporally scrambled version of the lecture (N = 20). Using intersubject correlation, we observed widespread Teacher–Student neural coupling spanning sensory cortex and language regions along the superior temporal sulcus as well as higher-level regions including posterior medial cortex (PMC), superior parietal lobule, and dorsolateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. Teacher–student alignment in higher-level areas was not observed when learning was disrupted by temporally scrambling the lecture. Moreover, teacher–student coupling in PMC was significantly correlated with learning: the more closely the student’s brain mirrored the teacher’s brain, the more the student improved their learning score. Together, these results suggest that the alignment of neural responses between teacher and students may reflect effective communication of complex information across brains in classroom settings.



人类交流非常灵活,使教师能够与学生分享高度抽象和新颖的信息。在自然主义教学和学习过程中,哪些神经过程能够使信息在大脑中传递?在这里,一位教师接受了功能性磁共振成像扫描,同时进行了关于科学主题的带有幻灯片的口头讲座,然后是复习讲座。然后在观看完整的讲座和评论(N = 20)或临时加扰的讲座版本(N = 20)时扫描学生。使用主体间相关性,我们观察到广泛的师生神经耦合跨越感觉皮层和沿着颞上沟的语言区域以及更高层次的区域,包括后内侧皮质 (PMC)、顶叶上小叶、和背外侧和背内侧前额叶皮层。当学习因临时扰乱讲座而中断时,没有观察到更高层次领域的师生对齐。此外,PMC 中的师生耦合与学习显着相关:学生的大脑越接近教师的大脑,学生的学习成绩提高得越多。总之,这些结果表明,教师和学生之间神经反应的一致性可能反映了课堂环境中复杂信息在大脑之间的有效交流。学生的大脑越接近老师的大脑,学生的学习成绩就提高得越多。总之,这些结果表明,教师和学生之间神经反应的一致性可能反映了课堂环境中复杂信息在大脑之间的有效交流。学生的大脑越接近老师的大脑,学生的学习成绩就提高得越多。总之,这些结果表明,教师和学生之间神经反应的一致性可能反映了课堂环境中复杂信息在大脑之间的有效交流。