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Understanding the evolution of fiscal performance of Indian states
Growth and Change ( IF 2.704 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1111/grow.12544
Vaseem Akram 1 , Badri Narayan Rath 2

This study investigates the fiscal performance of 21 Indian states for the period 1980–81 to 2017–18. To do so, this study first applies a widely used multidimensional composite index. Second, this study implements data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the fiscal performance. The findings reveal that among Indian states, Odisha achieves the first rank and is found to be the best fiscal performing state in recent years. On the contrary, our results indicate that Punjab is the least performing state during 2015–16 to 2017–18. From the policy perspective, least performing states should get more attention from the central government and can adopt the policies of other best performing states, which may improve their fiscal performance.



本研究调查了 21 个印度州在 1980-81 年至 2017-18 年期间的财政表现。为此,本研究首先应用了一种广泛使用的多维复合索引。其次,本研究实施数据包络分析(DEA)来评估财政绩效。调查结果显示,在印度各邦中,奥里萨邦排名第一,被认为是近年来财政表现最好的邦。相反,我们的结果表明,旁遮普邦是 2015-16 至 2017-18 年间表现最差的州。从政策角度看,表现最差的州应该得到中央政府的更多关注,可以采用其他表现最好的州的政策,这可能会改善它们的财政表现。