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Sudden death after being in a bounce house: a late complication of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s12024-021-00408-7
Kendall Smith 1 , Brandy Shattuck 2 , James Elliott 3

A 3-year-old white female with no significant past medical history was found unresponsive and apneic after several hours of vomiting. The patient had reportedly felt unwell since jumping in a bounce house at a festival earlier in the day. After one hour of attempted resuscitation by EMS and hospital staff, the patient was pronounced deceased. On autopsy there was a 3 cm opening in the left posterolateral hemidiaphragm with the spleen, the stomach, and portions of the small and large bowel displaced into the left chest cavity, resulting in compression of both lungs and the heart to the right side of the chest. The right lung weighed 295 g while the left lung weighed 73 g. Histologic examination revealed atelectasis in the left lung and congestion in the right lung, the spleen, the stomach, and the bowel. The cause of death was ultimately ruled to be respiratory compromise and associated gastrointestinal complications due to diaphragmatic herniation of abdominal contents into the chest cavity. It is hypothesized that herniation occurred in this case secondary to increased intra-abdominal pressure from jumping in a bounce house, an etiology that we were unable to find elsewhere despite a thorough literature search.



一名 3 岁的白人女性没有明显的既往病史,在呕吐数小时后被发现没有反应和呼吸暂停。据报道,自从当天早些时候在一个节日里跳进蹦蹦床后,病人就感觉不舒服。在 EMS 和医院工作人员尝试复苏一小时后,患者被宣布死亡。尸检发现左侧后外侧膈肌有一个 3 厘米的开口,脾脏、胃和部分小肠和大肠移位到左胸腔,导致双肺和心脏受压到右侧胸部。右肺重 295 克,左肺重 73 克。组织学检查显示左肺肺不张,右肺、脾、胃和肠充血。死因最终被裁定为呼吸系统损害和相关的胃肠道并发症,这是由于腹腔内容物膈疝进入胸腔所致。假设在这种情况下发生疝气是由于在弹跳屋中跳跃引起的腹内压增加,尽管进行了彻底的文献搜索,但我们无法在其他地方找到这种病因。
