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Genetic markers of vasovagal syncope
Autonomic Neuroscience ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autneu.2021.102871
Robert S Sheldon 1 , Brenda Gerull 1

Vasovagal syncope may have a genetic predisposition. It has a high prevalence in some families, and children of a fainting parent are more likely to faint than those without a parent who faints. Having two fainting parents or a fainting twin increases the likelihood even further. Several genotypes appear to associate with the phenotype of positive tilt tests, but the control subjects are usually those who faint and have negative tilt tests. Twin studies, highly focused genome-wide association studies, and copy number variation studies all suggest there are loci in the genome that associate with vasovagal syncope, although the specific genes, pathways, and proteins are unknown. A recent multigenerational kindred candidate gene study identified 3 genes that associate with vasovagal syncope. The best evidence to date is for central signaling genes involving serotonin and dopamine. Genome-wide association studies to date have not yet been helpful. Our understanding of the genetic correlates of vasovagal syncope leaves ample opportunity for future work.



血管迷走性晕厥可能有遗传倾向。它在一些家庭中的患病率很高,父母晕倒的孩子比没有晕倒的父母的孩子更容易晕倒。有两个昏厥的父母或昏厥的双胞胎会进一步增加可能性。几种基因型似乎与倾斜试验阳性的表型相关,但对照受试者通常是那些昏倒且倾斜试验呈阴性的人。双胞胎研究、高度集中的全基因组关联研究和拷贝数变异研究都表明基因组中存在与血管迷走性晕厥相关的基因座,尽管具体基因、途径和蛋白质尚不清楚。最近的一项多代亲属候选基因研究确定了 3 个与血管迷走性晕厥相关的基因。迄今为止最好的证据是涉及血清素和多巴胺的中枢信号基因。迄今为止,全基因组关联研究还没有帮助。我们对血管迷走性晕厥的遗传相关性的理解为未来的工作留下了充足的机会。
