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Discrimination, Emotions, and Identity: Unpacking Latinx Pathways to Crime
Criminal Justice and Behavior ( IF 2.562 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1177/00938548211040546
Deena A. Isom , Deanna Cann 1 , Amber Wilson 2

In the United States, populations of Color are overrepresented across virtually all arenas of the criminal justice system. These realities have led scholars to bring race and ethnicity to the forefront of our examinations of crime and justice. Understanding how culturally specific factors distinctly impact a group is imperative when it comes to understanding why some engage in offending while others do not. Analyzing the pathways specified by the theory of African American Offending (TAAO) among a Latinx population can help shed light on whether this theory may be broadly applicable to populations of Color. This insight can aid in the development of culturally appropriate interventions and policies to combat the institutional racism that increases marginalized populations’ likelihood of contact with the criminal justice system. Thus, we explore how well TAAO pathways apply to a Latinx sample of youth. Findings lend support for culturally distinct examinations. Implications are discussed.



在美国,在刑事司法系统的几乎所有领域,有色人种的人数都过多。这些现实促使学者们将种族和族裔置于我们对犯罪和正义的考察的前沿。在理解为什么有些人会冒犯而有些人不冒犯时,了解文化特定因素如何明显影响一个群体是必不可少的。分析非裔美国人犯罪 (TAAO) 理论在拉丁裔人群中指定的途径有助于阐明该理论是否可以广泛适用于有色人种人群。这种洞察力可以帮助制定适合文化的干预措施和政策,以打击制度性种族主义,这种种族主义会增加边缘化人群与刑事司法系统接触的可能性。因此,我们探索了 TAAO 途径如何适用于拉丁裔青年样本。调查结果为文化上不同的考试提供了支持。影响进行了讨论。
