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Forty-Year Anniversary of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1161/atvbaha.121.316755
Alan Daugherty 1 , Edward A Fisher 2 , Mark B Taubman 3 , Donald D Heistad 4 , Alan M Fogelman 5

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) celebrates its origins on its fortieth year since inception. From the first edition published in January of 1981, ATVB has become a preeminent journal that has been closely linked with many foundational studies that have provided profound insights into the mechanisms and treatments of a range of vascular and thrombotic pathologies. The initial intent of the journal was to highlight advances in arteriosclerosis, which was an emerging field in this era, with a particular emphasis on the role of lipoprotein metabolism in the disease process. In 1993, the journal name was expanded to Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis, with the growing realization of the link between thrombosis and the clinical manifestations of arteriosclerosis and other vascular diseases. Two years later, there was another change to the name with the emergence of vascular biology and its close link to the scientific focus of the journal. Hence the current name of ATVB. To accompany these changes in name, there was also a progressive evolution of the content management and cover designs (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The progression of the journal name and covers since inception in 1981.

The origin of ATVB is its publication as a bimonthly journal with the original name of Arteriosclerosis. The inaugural editor of Arteriosclerosis in 1981 was Dr Edward Bierman who was Chief of the Division of Endocrinology at the University of Washington and a prominent lipoprotein researcher (Figure 2). The inaugural editorial team consisted of Dr Bierman’s University of Washington colleagues, Dr Paul Bornstein, Dr Laurence Harker, Dr Arno Motulsky, and Dr Russell Ross. Dr Bierman and his team orchestrated a highly successful launch of the journal in which many prominent researchers published in the early editions of the journal. These include Nobel prize recipients, Dr Michael Brown and Dr Joseph Goldstein who published in the third issue. With the evolving success and diversity of the journal, a European editor was included in the leadership team with the appointment of Dr Goran Bondjers (University of Gothenburg) in 1988.

Figure 2. The Editors-in-Chief of the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology journal

In 1991, the leadership reins were handed to Dr Alan Fogelman who was Chief of Cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr Jack Hawiger (Vanderbilt University) was appointed as the Coeditor and the European office was maintained under the leadership of Dr Goran Bondjers. Early in their tenure, this team responded to increased submission rate that needed a transition to a monthly publication that started in January of 1992.

In 1999, the editor-in-chief appointment was Dr Donald Heistad who was the Chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at the University of Iowa. In addition to maintaining a European office that was led by Dr Goran Hansson (Karolinska Institute), an Asian office was also added that was led by Dr Akira Takeshita (Kyushu University). This was an era of changes in the review process with a progression to a web-based platform. Dr Heistad initiated the ATVB Early Career Investigator awards. These awards represented the 3 major focus research areas and were named for prominent members of the ATVB community as the Daniel Steinberg award in Atherosclerosis/Lipoproteins, the Karl Link award for Thrombosis, and the Werner Risau award in Vascular Biology (https://www.ahajournals.org/atvb/early-career-awards). The awards continue and are now a prominent feature of the annual conference organized by the ATVB Council.

In 2007, Dr Mark Taubman was appointed to the editor’s role while he was the Chief of Cardiology and Director of the Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute at the University of Rochester. Dr Taubman maintained the European and Asian offices, led by Dr Alain Tedgui (Paris Center for Cardiovascular Research) and Dr Ryozo Nagai (University of Tokyo) respectively. With the rapid escalation of Dr Taubman’s responsibilities at the University of Rochester, he stepped down in 2011. Dr Edward Fisher, already an Associate Editor and also then the Director of the Center for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease at New York University, graciously stepped into the role of editor-in-chief in 2011 to complete the team’s term.

Dr Alan Daugherty (Director of the Saha Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Kentucky) was appointed as Editor-in-Chief in 2012. With the benefit of the evolution of communications, this incoming team was able to be a highly functional global team and enabled authors from all the major countries publishing in the journal to be represented. With the completion of Dr Daugherty’s term in 2022, there will be a transition.

ATVB has not only been the venue for the publication of highly acclaimed articles that have predominantly focused on articles of original research but also has included many impactful reviews. The most cited publications in the journal are listed in the Table. In addition to demonstrating the influence that ATVB publications have had in the journal’s sphere of research, these publications also demonstrate the spectrum of research in the journal extends from basic discovery, through translational, to clinical and population-based. Hence, a continuum of scientific scope has found a home in the ATVB journal that has been acknowledged by our peers.

Table. Most Cited Publications in ATVB

Data on citations were derived from the Web of Science based on a search in July 2021.

Since its inception, there has been an evolution of the mode in which journal performance is evaluated. The most used metric is the Web of Science Journal Impact Factor which represents the median of the number of citations divided by the citable items for all forms of publications. For 2020, the ATVB journal impact factor was 8.311. ATVB has particularly prided itself on its high quality of publications of original research. In this regard, the Web of Science now publishes impact factors for articles of original research. This is represented as a median to obviate the spurious effort of a small number of highly cited articles. ATVB performs very well by this metric and is indicative of the focus of the journal to provide the community with cutting-edge research.

The ATVB journal has a proud history of adapting to the changing world of research and publications. This have led to profound changes in the current version of the journal compared to its origins. Highlights of some of the most significant changes include:

Conversion to a web-based journal with open access options.

A web-based review system that removes any constraints on engaging international participation in the review process.

An enhanced diversity of editors and editorial board. Although there needs to be a continued focus on this issue, the journal is proud of its international participation in these activities and the improving metrics of all diversity issues.

A focus on enhancing the rigor and reproducibility of published articles with manuscripts now being required to have sufficient details for other researchers to replicate the study. This has included the appointment of a Technical Editor to provide consistency in data analysis and representation.

An emphasis on close collaboration with the ATVB Council that includes assisting with the content and participation of the Council’s annual conference that is now called Vascular Discovery.

Promoting the careers of early investigators through their participation in editorial process, awards, and participation in authoring reviews and highlight articles.

The past and present Editors-in-Chief of ATVB were honored to participate in the evolution of this prominent journal and look forward to its future development.

The Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Editors-in-Chief would like to thank the many contributors to the journal’s success. This includes the large number of individuals who committed considerable time and effort to serve as deputy, senior, review, technical, associate, consulting, and social media editors over the years. The editors have also greatly appreciated the commitment of the ATVB community to consistently agree to participate in the review of submitted manuscripts and to provide high-quality critiques in a timely manner. The ATVB journal has benefited from an excellent editorial staff. The current team greatly appreciates the greater than 2 decades of support provided by the Managing Editor, Melissa Arey, and the Deputy Managing Editor, Connie Melsha. The current editors also appreciate the high quality of support provided in the past by Trudie Meyer and currently by Anamarie Schluntz.


Disclosures None.

For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 2356.



动脉硬化、血栓形成和血管生物学 (ATVB ) 在其成立四十周年之际庆祝其起源。从 1981 年 1 月出版的第一版开始,ATVB已成为与许多基础研究密切相关的杰出期刊,这些研究为一系列血管和血栓病变的机制和治疗提供了深刻的见解。该杂志的最初目的是突出动脉硬化的进展,这是这个时代的一个新兴领域,特别强调脂蛋白代谢在疾病过程中的作用。1993年,期刊名称扩大到动脉硬化和血栓形成,随着人们越来越认识到血栓形成与动脉硬化和其他血管疾病的临床表现之间的联系。两年后,随着血管生物学的出现及其与期刊科学重点的密切联系,名称又发生了变化。因此, ATVB的当前名称。伴随着这些名称的变化,内容管理和封面设计也不断演变(图 1)。

图 1. 自 1981 年创刊以来期刊名称和封面的演变。

ATVB的起源是它作为双月刊出版,原名动脉硬化动脉硬化杂志的创刊主编1981 年,Edward Bierman 博士是华盛顿大学内分泌科主任和著名的脂蛋白研究人员(图 2)。就职编辑团队由 Bierman 博士在华盛顿大学的同事 Paul Bornstein 博士、Laurence Harker 博士、Arno Motulsky 博士和 Russell Ross 博士组成。Bierman 博士和他的团队精心策划了该期刊的成功发行,许多著名的研究人员在该期刊的早期版本中发表了文章。其中包括诺贝尔奖获得者迈克尔·布朗博士和约瑟夫·戈德斯坦博士,他们在第三期发表了论文。随着期刊不断取得成功和多样化,1988 年任命 Goran Bondjers 博士(哥德堡大学)一名欧洲编辑加入了领导团队。

图 2. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology杂志的主编

1991 年,领导权交给了加州大学洛杉矶分校心脏病学主任 Alan Fogelman 博士。Jack Hawiger 博士(范德比尔特大学)被任命为共同编辑,欧洲办事处由 Goran Bondjers 博士领导。在任职初期,该团队响应了提交率的提高,需要过渡到从 1992 年 1 月开始的月刊。

1999 年,主编被任命为爱荷华大学心血管疾病系主任 Donald Heistad 博士。除了维持一个由 Goran Hansson 博士(卡罗林斯卡学院)领导的欧洲办事处外,还增加了一个由 Akira Takeshita 博士(九州大学)领导的亚洲办事处。这是一个审查过程发生变化的时代,随着网络平台的发展。Heistad 博士发起了ATVB早期职业调查员奖。这些奖项代表了 3 个主要重点研究领域,并以ATVB的杰出成员命名社区为动脉粥样硬化/脂蛋白的 Daniel Steinberg 奖、血栓形成的 Karl Link 奖和血管生物学的 Werner Risau 奖 (https://www.ahajournals.org/atvb/early-career-awards)。该奖项将继续举办,现在已成为ATVB理事会组织的年度会议的一个突出特点。

2007 年,Mark Taubman 博士被任命为编辑一职,同时他还担任罗切斯特大学心脏病学主任和 Aab 心血管研究所所长。Taubman 博士负责维护欧洲和亚洲办事处,分别由 Alain Tedgui 博士(巴黎心血管研究中心)和 Ryozo Nagai 博士(东京大学)领导。随着陶布曼博士在罗切斯特大学的职责迅速升级,他于 2011 年卸任。爱德华·费舍尔博士,已经是副主编,同时也是纽约大学心血管疾病预防中心主任,大方地踏入了2011 年担任主编,完成团队任期。

Alan Daugherty 博士(肯塔基大学 Saha 心血管研究中心主任)于 2012 年被任命为总编辑。得益于通信的发展,这个新来的团队能够成为一个功能强大的全球团队,并启用来自所有主要国家的作者在该期刊上发表论文将被代表。随着 Daugherty 博士在 2022 年的任期结束,将会有一个过渡期。



引文数据来自 Web of Science,基于 2021 年 7 月的搜索。

自创刊以来,评价期刊绩效的模式发生了演变。最常用的指标是 Web of Science 期刊影响因子,它代表所有形式出版物的引用次数除以可引用项目的中位数。2020 年,ATVB期刊影响因子为 8.311。ATVB以其高质量的原创研究出版物而特别自豪。在这方面,Web of Science 现在发布了原创研究文章的影响因子。这表示为中值,以消除少数高被引文章的虚假努力。亚视在这个指标上表现非常好,表明该期刊的重点是为社区提供前沿研究。









动脉硬化、血栓形成和血管生物学( ATVB ) 主编要感谢为该期刊的成功做出贡献的许多贡献者。这包括多年来投入大量时间和精力担任副、高级、评论、技术、助理、咨询和社交媒体编辑的大量个人。编辑们也非常感谢ATVB社区的承诺,即一致同意参与审阅提交的手稿并及时提供高质量的评论。亚视_杂志得益于优秀的编辑人员。目前的团队非常感谢总编辑 Melissa Arey 和副总编辑 Connie Melsha 提供的超过 2 年的支持。现任编辑还赞赏 Trudie Meyer 过去和现在 Anamarie Schluntz 提供的高质量支持。



有关资金来源和披露信息,请参见第 2356 页。
