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HPV Screening Test for the Detection of Precancerous Cervical Lesions and Cervical Cancer in Israeli Women
Acta Cytologica ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1159/000518324
Tali Feinberg 1 , Einav Yehuda-Shnaidman 1 , Tamar Wolf 1 , Judith Sandbank 1 , Jacob Segal 1 , Zvi Vaknin 2 , Eduardo Schejter 1

Objectives: This work is aimed to summarize the first year of the high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) screening test and compare it to the cytology screening test, regarding positivity rates and premalignant lesions diagnosed in the Israeli population. A specific consideration is for the age group 25–30 that is not considered mandatory for the HPV primary screening testing. Methods: A retrospective study was performed in women who were screened for prevention of cervical cancer in Maccabi HealthCare HMO from March 2017 to March 2019. Screening methods included hrHPV typing for types 16, 18, and the other 12 hrHPV types and the PAP LBC test. Results: A total of 115,807 cervical samples were tested for HPV presence and 91% (105,225) were found negative for hrHPV. The other 9% (10,582) were positive for one or more of the 14 hrHPV types tested, and 37% (3,916) of them showed abnormal PAP LBC results. In the age group of 25–30, 3,104 (17.5%) women were found positive for hr­HPV (825 had hrHPV types 16 and/or 18), of which 42% (1,293) of them showed abnormal PAP LBC results. During the hrHPV versus PAP LBC screening era, 258 more women were diagnosed with precancerous cervical lesions (CIN2/3), 70% increased detection versus cytology screening. Conclusions: The hrHPV screening test is currently the best method for the detection of precancerous cervical lesions and cervical cancer, and it is better started at age 25.
Acta Cytologica


用于检测以色列女性宫颈癌前病变和宫颈癌的 HPV 筛查试验

目的:这项工作旨在总结高危人乳头瘤病毒 (hrHPV) 筛查试验的第一年,并将其与细胞学筛查试验进行比较,了解以色列人群中诊断出的阳性率和癌前病变。一个特定的考虑是针对 25-30 岁的年龄组,该年龄组不被认为是 HPV 初步筛查测试的强制性要求。方法:对 2017 年 3 月至 2019 年 3 月在 Maccabi HealthCare HMO 接受宫颈癌预防筛查的女性进行了一项回顾性研究。筛查方法包括 hrHPV 16、18 和其他 12 型的分型和 PAP LBC 检测. 结果:总共对 115,807 个宫颈样本进行了 HPV 检测,其中 91% (105,225) 的 hrHPV 呈阴性。其他 9% (10,582) 的 14 种 hrHPV 类型中的一种或多种呈阳性,其中 37% (3,916) 显示异常的 PAP LBC 结果。在 25-30 岁的年龄组中,3,104 (17.5%) 名女性的 hrHPV 呈阳性(825 名具有 hrHPV 16 和/或 18 型),其中 42% (1,293) 的女性 PAP LBC 结果异常。在 hrHPV 与 PAP LBC 筛查时代,有 258 名女性被诊断出患有宫颈癌前病变 (CIN2/3),与细胞学筛查相比,检测率增加了 70%。结论:在高危型HPV筛查试验是目前用于检测癌前宫颈病变和宫颈癌的最佳方法,它是在25岁时开始了更好
ACTA Cytologica