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Participatory planning for local sustainability guided by the Sustainable Development Goals
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.5751/es-12566-260316
Katrina Szetey , Enayat A. Moallemi , Emma Ashton , Martin Butcher , Beth Sprunt , Brett A. Bryan

To achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), actions are required at all global, national, and local scales. To ensure coordination between scales, local actions need to be carefully planned to be aligned with global and national priorities. Local planning for sustainability must be adaptive and heterogeneous but also consistent and driven by the community. We describe an approach to co-create a local sustainability plan using the SDGs for a rural community in southeastern Australia using participatory techniques for co-creation, data collection, and review. The community placed a high priority on infrastructure for achieving sustainable growth and social equity while preserving their unique environment. By articulating their priorities in this community-led plan, the community is empowered to advocate for the sustainable development of their town with decision makers and funding bodies. If local communities create sustainability plans using the SDGs, then such planning will be consistent between and across geographic scales, and aligned with the global goals. This will also aid in achievement of the SDGs at national and global scales, as advocated by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.



为实现联合国可持续发展目标 (SDG),需要在全球、国家和地方各级采取行动。为确保尺度之间的协调,需要仔细规划地方行动,以与全球和国家优先事项保持一致。当地的可持续性规划必须具有适应性和异质性,但也必须一致并由社区驱动。我们描述了一种使用可持续发展目标为澳大利亚东南部农村社区使用参与式技术共同创建、数据收集和审查的方法来共同制定当地可持续发展计划。社区高度重视基础设施,以实现可持续增长和社会公平,同时保护其独特的环境。通过在这个社区主导的计划中阐明他们的优先事项,社区有权与决策者和资助机构一起倡导其城镇的可持续发展。如果当地社区使用可持续发展目标制定可持续发展计划,则此类计划将在地理范围之间和跨地理范围保持一致,并与全球目标保持一致。正如联合国在 2030 年可持续发展议程中所倡导的那样,这也将有助于在国家和全球范围内实现可持续发展目标。