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Adaptive methodology. Topic, theory, method and data in ongoing conversation
International Journal of Social Research Methodology ( IF 3.468 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1964858
Kristof van Assche 1, 2 , Raoul Beunen 3 , Martijn Duineveld 4 , Monica Gruezmacher 1, 5


This paper explores the concept of adaptive research design, in which topic, theoretical framing, method, and data are in principle open to adaptation during the research process. The main premise is that adaptations in one element of the research process can trigger changes in other elements. Both positive and negative reasons for adaptivity are discussed along with various valid reasons for limiting adaptivity in particular cases. Grasping the different couplings between concepts, theories and methods is useful to discern the possibilities and limits of adaptive methodology in situ. To deepen the understanding of the adaptive capacity of methodology, we broaden the discussion to look at the embedding of methodology in academia and its disciplines. In our perspective, methods appear as devices structuring thinking and observation and are well used and placed if they enhance and enable the continuation of observation and reflection and if they allow the researcher to remain open for alternative observations and interpretations.




本文探讨了适应性研究设计的概念,其中主题、理论框架、方法和数据在研究过程中原则上可以适应。主要前提是研究过程中一个要素的调整可以引发其他要素的变化。讨论了适应性的积极和消极原因,以及在特定情况下限制适应性的各种正当理由。把握概念、理论和方法之间的不同耦合有助于就地辨别自适应方法论的可能性和局限性. 为了加深对方法论适应能力的理解,我们将讨论范围扩大到研究方法论在学术界及其学科中的嵌入。在我们看来,方法似乎是构建思维和观察的工具,如果它们能增强和促进观察和反思的持续性,并且如果它们允许研究人员对其他观察和解释保持开放态度,那么它们就会得到很好的使用和放置。
