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The Resurrection and God's Eschatological Justification: On a Secondary Strand of Karl Barth's Theology of the Resurrection
International Journal of Systematic Theology Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1111/ijst.12508
Declan Kelly 1

This article considers the significance of the resurrection in the soteriology of Karl Barth. While Barth has rightly been associated with an understanding of the resurrection centred around the concepts of ‘declaration’ and ‘revelation’, this article explores an often overlooked secondary strand in Barth's theologia resurrectionis centred around the concepts of ‘redemption’ and ‘justice’. With a view of the ‘three-agent’ character of the soteriology developed in §59.2–3, it will be demonstrated that this second strand of Barth's theology of the resurrection can fund an account of salvation as a reality completed not in the crucifixion of Christ but in God's new, eschatological act of raising Christ from the dead.



本文考虑了卡尔·巴特的救赎论中复活的意义。虽然巴特正确地与以“宣告”和“启示”的概念为中心的对复活的理解相关联,但本文探讨了以“救赎”和“正义”的概念为中心的巴特的复活神学中经常被忽视的次要部分。考虑到第 59.2-3 节中发展的救赎论的“三主体”特征,将证明巴特复活神学的第二部分可以资助将救恩描述为一个现实,而不是在被钉十字架时完成的。基督,而是在上帝使基督从死里复活的新的末世行为中。