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Using Gamification Techniques to Enable Generation Z’s Propensity to Do Good
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing Pub Date : 2021-08-21 , DOI: 10.1080/10495142.2021.1941498
Ronald P. Conlin 1 , Samantha Santana 2


This research examines how gamification might affect Gen Z’s propensity to give. Gamification is the application of game-design elements and principles in non-game contexts. A large body of research focuses on the interplay of self-awareness, causal attribution, and action. Researchers have focused on how individuals perceive how involved they are in the cause of events leading to either success or failure. Experiments have shown that when people are induced to be more self-aware, they are more likely to attribute the success to themselves. This paper examines these phenomena in the context of gamified activities. We conducted a within-subject experimental design involving 351 Gen Z respondents to gauge if gamification is impactful and which events were particularly compelling. Our findings showed that gamified events were very effective at engaging Gen Z and that team-based gamification events were particularly engaging. Marketing gamification implications for nonprofits are discussed in this paper.


使用游戏化技术使 Z 世代有做好事的倾向


这项研究探讨了游戏化如何影响 Z 世代的奉献倾向。游戏化是游戏设计元素和原则在非游戏环境中的应用。大量研究集中在自我意识、因果归因和行动的相互作用上。研究人员专注于个人如何看待他们在导致成功或失败的事件的原因中的参与程度。实验表明,当人们被诱导提高自我意识时,他们更有可能将成功归因于自己。本文在游戏化活动的背景下研究了这些现象。我们进行了一项涉及 351 名 Z 世代受访者的主题内实验设计,以评估游戏化是否具有影响力以及哪些事件特别引人注目。我们的研究结果表明,游戏化活动在吸引 Z 世代方面非常有效,而基于团队的游戏化活动尤其具有吸引力。本文讨论了营销游戏化对非营利组织的影响。
