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The March as a Safe Space and Dynamics of Resocialization
Space and Culture ( IF 0.971 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-20 , DOI: 10.1177/12063312211040202
Luis Campos Medina 1 , Josefina Jaureguiberry Mondion 2

In this article, we affirm that the feminist march of March 8, 2019, in Santiago constituted a safe and secure space for the women who participated in it. As a result, it created the conditions for the deployment of individual resocialization processes through which the categories and modes of organization of patriarchal society are challenged. Using the accounts of participants, the article describes some of the elements involved in the production of this safe space, contributing empirical evidence to a debate that tends to be mostly speculative. The article includes a theoretical discussion and analyzes 11 “walking interviews” with women who participated in the march. The interviews were conducted by one of the authors a few days after the march in the places where it took place (in situ).



在本文中,我们确认 2019 年 3 月 8 日在圣地亚哥举行的女权主义游行为参与其中的女性提供了一个安全可靠的空间。结果,它为个人再社会化过程的部署创造了条件,通过这些过程,父权社会的组织类别和模式受到挑战。文章利用参与者的叙述,描述了制造这个安全空间所涉及的一些要素,为一场主要是推测性的辩论提供了经验证据。文章包括理论讨论,并分析了对参加游行的女性的 11 次“步行采访”。采访是在游行发生几天后由其中一位作者在游行发生的地方(就地)进行的。
