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Sexual dimorphism and biology of the large deepwater mastigoteuthid squid Idioteuthis cordiformis (Cephalopoda, Mastigoteuthidae) off Tasmania, Australia
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315421000552
George D. Jackson 1 , Christine H. Jackson 2

This study provided biological information on 146 specimens of the poorly known deepwater mastigoteuthid squid Idioteuthis cordiformis. Mantle length ranged from 200–500 mm for males and 270–702 mm for females. The largest female weighed just under 12 kg. The majority of males were mature and all females were immature. The fins were larger and thicker than the mantle. Mantle weight of males and females was 44.8% and 55.2% of fin weight, respectively, and were significantly different. There was a significant sex effect on mantle length, total weight, mantle weight and fin weight, with females having greater values in all categories. There was a small season effect for mantle weight and fin weight. There was little ingested prey material except fluid and oil in the caecum that was typically bright orange or red. Total fluid volume ranged from 23–230 ml and 20–550 ml for males and females, respectively. The per cent oil component of total fluids in the caecum ranged from 6.9–50% and 10.8–50% for males and females, respectively, with no significant difference in per cent oil between males and females. There was a significant positive relationship between total weight and oil volume for females, and for males and females combined. The function of the oil is uncertain. While this study provided information on sex differences in the body size, sexual dimorphism and caecum oil content, information is still incomplete regarding reproduction due to the lack of any mature females captured in this study.


澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛附近的大型深水鞭毛乌贼 Idioteuthis cordiformis (Cephalopoda, Mastigoteuthidae) 的性别二态性和生物学

这项研究提供了 146 个鲜为人知的深水鞭毛乌贼标本的生物学信息Idioteuthis cordiformis。男性的地幔长度范围为 200-500 毫米,女性的地幔长度为 270-702 毫米。最大的雌性体重不到 12 公斤。大多数雄性已成熟,所有雌性均未成熟。鳍比地幔更大更厚。雄性和雌性的外套膜重量分别为鳍重量的 44.8% 和 55.2%,且差异显着。对外套膜长度、总重量、外套膜重量和鳍重量有显着的性别影响,雌性在所有类别中具有更大的值。地幔重量和鳍重量有一个小的季节效应。除了盲肠中通常呈亮橙色或红色的液体和油外,几乎没有摄入猎物。男性和女性的总液体量分别为 23-230 毫升和 20-550 毫升。盲肠中总液体的油成分百分比范围为 6。男性和女性分别为 9-50% 和 10.8-50%,男性和女性之间的油百分比没有显着差异。女性的总重量和油量之间存在显着的正相关关系,男性和女性的总和也是如此。油的功能是不确定的。虽然这项研究提供了有关体型、性别二态性和盲肠油含量的性别差异的信息,但由于本研究中没有捕获任何成熟的雌性,有关生殖的信息仍然不完整。