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Title IX at 50: Legitimating state domination of women’s sport
International Review for the Sociology of Sport ( IF 2.689 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-18 , DOI: 10.1177/10126902211037843
Kirsten Hextrum , Simran Sethi 1

At Title IX’s 50th anniversary we address the contradictions embedded in liberal state reform. This anniversary provides a juncture to consider the limitations of seeking gender liberation through the state. While US law is often credited with revolutionizing athletic access for girls and women, we trace how the state stymied greater transformation efforts. Using poststructuralist and Black feminist state critiques, we show how Title IX utilized an assimilation approach to equity by inviting state domination into women’s sports. This invitation expanded state power across four domains—definitional, protective, surveillance, and economic—which retained rather than disrupted heteropatriarchal, White, capitalist, dominance. We conclude with suggestions to reignite a movement for women's liberation that reimagines gender-equitable sports beyond the state's control for the forthcoming 50 years.



在 Title IX 成立 50 周年之际,我们解决了自由国家改革中的矛盾。这个周年纪念提供了一个考虑通过国家寻求性别解放的局限性的契机。虽然美国法律经常被认为是彻底改变了女孩和妇女的运动机会,但我们追溯了该州如何阻碍了更大的转型努力。使用后结构主义和黑人女权主义国家批评,我们展示了 Title IX 如何通过邀请国家统治进入女性运动来利用同化方法来实现公平。这一邀请扩大了四个领域的国家权力——定义保护监视经济——这保留了而不是破坏了异族父权制、白人、资本主义的统治地位。最后,我们建议重新点燃妇女解放运动,重新构想未来 50 年不受国家控制的性别平等运动。
