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Travel after tragedy: A phenomenological study on what it takes for women to travel solo after tragedy
Journal of Leisure Research ( IF 2.888 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-18 , DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2021.1899777
Santoshi Sengupta 1


Tragedies are encountered and experienced by almost everyone. While many give in to the tragic times, there is a recent trend of women who choose to travel solo after encountering tragedies. Drawing on Horowitz’s stage model of reschematization, Tedeschi and Calhoun’s posttraumatic growth model, and Iso Ahola’s theory of travel motivation, this research explores what motivates women to travel after tragedy and how it helps them in coping with trauma. The phenomenological study based on interviews with twelve women travelers suggests four themes: family trust and support; fighting the fright; need for self-reflection, restoration, and growth; and financial independence. Implications and future research agenda are also discussed.




几乎每个人都会遇到和经历悲剧。虽然许多人屈服于悲惨的时代,但最近有一种女性在遭遇悲剧后选择独自旅行的趋势。本研究借鉴 Horowitz 的再计划阶段模型、Tedeschi 和 Calhoun 的创伤后成长模型以及 Iso Ahola 的旅行动机理论,探讨了悲剧发生后女性旅行的动机以及它如何帮助她们应对创伤。基于对 12 名女性旅行者的访谈的现象学研究提出了四个主题:家庭信任和支持;与恐惧作斗争;需要自我反省、恢复和成长;和财务独立。还讨论了影响和未来的研究议程。
