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Establishing a governance threshold in small-scale fisheries to achieve sustainability.
Ambio ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-021-01606-x
Alba Aguión 1 , Elena Ojea 1 , Lucía García-Flórez 2 , Teresa Cruz 3, 4 , Joxe Mikel Garmendia 5 , Dominique Davoult 6 , Henrique Queiroga 7 , Antonella Rivera 8 , José Luis Acuña-Fernández 9 , Gonzalo Macho 10, 11

The lack of effective governance is a major concern in small-scale fisheries. The implementation of governance that encompasses the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic, and ecological) is still a worldwide challenge. We examined nine stalked barnacle fisheries (Pollicipes pollicipes) across Southwest Europe to better understand the relationship between governance elements and sustainability. Our results show that nested spatial scales of management, the access structure, co-management, and fisher's participation in monitoring and surveillance promote sustainability. However, it is not the mere presence of these elements but their level of implementation that drives sustainability. Efforts should be placed in the accomplishment of a minimum combination of local scales of management, access rights through individual quotas, instructive-consultative co-management and functional participation. Surpassing this threshold in future governance structures will start to adequately promote social, economic and ecologically sustainability in small-scale fisheries.



缺乏有效治理是小规模渔业的一个主要问题。实施涵盖可持续性三大支柱(社会、经济和生态)的治理仍然是一项全球性挑战。我们检查了西南欧的九种藤壶渔业(Pollicipes pollicipes),以更好地了解治理要素与可持续性之间的关系。我们的研究结果表明,嵌套的管理空间尺度、访问结构、共同管理以及渔民参与监测和监视促进了可持续性。然而,推动可持续性发展的不仅仅是这些要素的存在,还有它们的实施水平。应努力实现地方管理规模、通过个人配额的访问权、指导性协商的共同管理和职能参与。在未来的治理结构中超过这一门槛将开始充分促进小规模渔业的社会、经济和生态可持续性。